The Tigrens' Glory

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Book: The Tigrens' Glory by Laura Jo Phillips Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Jo Phillips
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royal blood in an effort to get to know them.  As a result, she had no real idea how to be a friend.  But she wanted very much to try. 
    Lariah had made all of the overtures so far.  It was Glory’s turn, but she wasn’t sure how to go about it.  She decided that making an effort to show interest in Lariah personally, as opposed to Jasan in general, would be a good place to start.  She considered and discarded several ideas before choosing one that she was curious about anyway. 
    “I hope you don’t think me forward, Lariah, but is Hope Bearen your sister?” she asked.
    Lariah blinked at her, obviously startled.  “No, she isn’t.  Why do you ask?”
    Glory flushed, worried she’d asked an inappropriate question.  It was too late to take it back, especially since Lariah had now asked her a question which she couldn’t refuse to answer.  “You referred to her sons as your nephews.  I was curious because you look nothing like her, or her Rami.” 
    Val and Trey stiffened slightly and Lariah reached over to place one hand on Trey’s arm while sending a reassuring smile to Val.  “It’s all right, guys,” she said.
    “I apologize,” Glory said, noting the tension in the men.  She wished very much that the floor would open up and swallow her.  “It was not my place to ask such a personal question.”
    “You misunderstand, Glory,” Lariah said, reaching out to touch Glory lightly on the shoulder.  “I’m not offended by your question.  My sister, Ellicia, was the boys’ birth mother.  Before she died, she asked the Bearens to raise her sons, and they agreed.  Do you remember that we told you there were Lost Clans?”
    “Yes, of course,” Glory said.
    “There are two, of them,” Lariah said.  “One is Clan Tigren, as you know.  The other is Clan Owlfen.  By some miracle, Ellicia’s sons are Owlfen.  Hope’s cousin, Harlan, was their father, and the only family member Hope had left, just as Ellicia was my only family member.  Now that they have both passed to the beyond, the boys are the only link I have to Ellicia, as they are the only link Hope has to her cousin.  It took me many months to accept the loss of my sister, which is why Trey and Val become worried whenever the subject comes up.  My grief was extreme, and caused much heartache and worry for them.”
    Glory pressed her palms together and bowed her head over them.  “I am sorry for the loss of your loved one, Lariah.”
    “Thank you, Glory,” Lariah replied with a sad smile. 
    “I’m glad to know that the Fates lent a hand in returning the Owlfen to their people,” Glory said after a moment.  “Perhaps they will aid me in returning the Tigren to you, as well.”
    “We can only hope and pray that’s the case,” Lariah said.  “Well, that, and assist you in every way we can.”
    “Hello Lariah, Trey, Val,” a petite woman with long, straight, golden brown hair and light blue eyes said as she entered the waiting room. 
    “Hello Honey,” Lariah said, standing up.  “I hope this isn’t too inconvenient for you.”
    “Not at all,” Honey said, smiling as she gestured for them to follow her.  “Come on back to my office.”
    Once Trey had fetched a couple of extra chairs and they were all crowded into the little office Honey shared with Doc, Lariah introduced Honey and Glory.  “It’s nice to meet you, Glory,” Honey said.  “Nica told me about you.”
    “She is a special child,” Glory said.  “You look much like her.”
    “She’s my baby sister,” Honey said.  “Our mother passed away when Nica was born, so I’ve raised her as though she were a daughter to me.  She truly is a joy.  So, you’d like me to see if you have a psychic talent, is that correct?”
    “Yes,” Glory said.  “I’ve never experienced anything like the abilities Lariah has spoken of, though.”
    Honey got up from behind her desk and rolled her chair closer to where Glory sat.  Then she held out one hand

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