The Secret Of The Cathars (2011)

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Book: The Secret Of The Cathars (2011) by Michael Hillier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Hillier
response to the urgent knocking. Standing outside in the pitch darkness was a breathless and somewhat dishevelled Cesar.
    “ What’s the matter?”
    “ Can I come in?”
    “ Of course.” He stood aside to let her through.
    “ I need a drink.” She ran her hands through her untidy hair. “A strong drink.”
    “ Cognac?”
    “ That’ll do for a start.”
    He went to the cabinet, took out two brandy glasses. It worried him to see such a strong and self-confident woman appearing to be so distressed. He poured a large drink for her and a smaller one for himself. He came back and gave her the glass.
    “ Sit down.” He indicated the armchair he’d been occupying a few minutes before. She collapsed into the chair and took a gulp of the brandy. He bent over her and placed his hands on her shoulders. Despite their difference in age and background, he had grown fond of her in the last few days. During that time they had spent most of their evenings together and he had discovered a pleasure in personal contact which was completely different to his previously isolated life.
    “ Now, Cesar - what on earth’s the problem?”
    She leaned back in the chair and took another slug of drink. She let out a shuddering sigh and began. “Well, as you know, following my chat with Jacqueline Blontard and her colleagues when it became apparent that they were hoping to explore the whole castle and stay there for the summer, we agreed that our plans needed a rethink.”
    “ Quite right.”
    “ So, as we discussed the other night, I got in touch with Marseilles to tell them the problem about the archaeologists up at le Bezu. I tried to speak to papa, but the only one I could get hold of was that gruesome little Montlucon.”
    “ I remember him.” Alain let go her shoulders and sat on the arm of the chair.
    “ Well - I was astonished. The man went almost incandescent with rage. He’s never spoken to me like that before. He seemed to blame us for the problem. He said it was up to us to get the archaeologists out of the place, and quickly. He said otherwise they would have to do something about it.” She paused for another drink.
    “ I told him what we had discussed - that it was best if we left the archaeologists to do their work and came back again in the autumn.”
    She drank again and shook her head. “He said that was out of the question. Too much money had already been spent to wait that long. He seemed to be blaming me - blaming us for what had happened. He said everything had been arranged at their end and that we had let them down.”
    “ He seems to be getting a bit big for his boots,” said Alain. “Did you tell him that I specifically didn’t want any violence? If someone got hurt it would only result in a lot of unsuitable publicity. That would make it much more dangerous to continue here and try to make progress with getting the stuff out.”
    “ I told him all that but he didn’t want to listen. He said he’d give us a week to sort things out. He said that if we failed they would decide to take action at their end.”
    “ That’s just plain stupid.” Hebert swore, then stopped himself. “What did your father say in all this?”
    “ He wasn’t there. That’s what is worrying me. I asked where he was and all Montlucon would say was that he was out and he didn’t know when he would be back.” She looked up at him. “I’m worried about him, Alain.”
    He put his arm round her shoulders. “What do you think may have happened?”
    She shook her head. “I just don’t know.”
    “ Your father’s the patron, isn’t he?”
    “ Yes.” She smiled weakly. “Well, he was. Suddenly I don’t know any more.”
    The next second she was crying, racked by violent sobs. He hugged her to his chest, surprised at the sudden breakdown in her self-control. He felt the tears soaking his shirt. He mumbled something into her scented hair. For some silly reason he felt enormously happy. Nobody had ever asked for comfort

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