Coming Home (Norris Lake Series)

Read Online Coming Home (Norris Lake Series) by Amy Koresdoski - Free Book Online

Book: Coming Home (Norris Lake Series) by Amy Koresdoski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Koresdoski
wouldn’t you like to,” Cat said setting her towel down on a lawn chair.  She walked over to Curtis and sat between him and Rodney”. 
    "Beth, baby, come on in,” Michael pleaded.  He pulled himself up on the back dock of the swim platform.  "At least come sit near me, sweetheart." Beth rolled her eyes smiling at all the attention and walked over to sit near Michael. 
    "Could you get Cat and yourself another beer and sit over hear next to me?" Rodney asked Sarah.  Rodney had met Sarah at a party last Friday night and really had a crush on her.  He hoped the beer would make him feel less nervous and help him to contain the anxiety he was feeling having her so close within his reach tonight.  “Hell, this could almost be considered a date,” he thought to himself. 
    "In a minute," Sarah said staring out into the darkness. "Don’t you all think that it is kind of scary out here this time of night? Maybe we should go back and tie up a little closer to the dock." 
    "You’re so silly, Sarah," Cat said as she reached for her beer.  Sarah sat down next to Rodney. 
    Suddenly there was a splash.  "Oh Wheeee!  The water is so cold,” Beth squealed. "Michael how could you?" 
    Michael smiled and made a shoving motion towards Beth.  "I had to get you into the water somehow.  How else could I help warm you up?"  Michael lowered himself in the water and pulled Beth towards him so they were both holding on to the swim platform suspended in the water.  Reaching her arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close and kissed her.  With one hand he held on to the platform and held her close with the other. 
    “Get her, Michael,” Rodney hollered.
    “Yeah, get you some, Michael,” Sarah shouted. 
    Cat eyed Michael and Beth making out against the houseboat. She sure hoped her old brother knew what he was doing. Changing the subject she turned to Curtis, who had been quiet for the last few minutes. 
    "Curtis, I heard you put in an application to go to Duke University over in North Carolina.  What are you going to study?" 
    Curtis stared at his open beer can for a moment then looked out at the quiet forest surrounding the lake.  "I really want to major in wildlife and fisheries, but my dad is pushing me towards pre-law.  He wants me to follow in his footsteps and be an attorney." 
    "It sounds like it would be more fun to major in forestry than in pre-law; how boring,” Cat agreed.  "I think you should be able to do whatever you want with your life." 
    Curtis turned to Cat and smiled tentatively as if suddenly at a loss for words.  Cat returned his smile and shifted closer to him putting her hand over his.  Nervously he leaned forward; then she did too and their lips brushed.  Curtis put his arm around her waist and pulled her close kissing her deeply.  She moaned as they leaned into one another mouths hungry for more.
    Sarah leaned around to get her towel and moved closer to Rodney, her leg brushing his.  Rodney put his arm around Sarah’s shoulders and pulled her up next to him.  They looked at the interlocked couple and followed suit.
    The four teenagers sat on the side of the houseboat drinking beer and passing the night away with talk of dances, their future and upcoming parties.  Curtis looked over at Rodney and Sarah.  They had moved from the edge of the houseboat and climbed up on top deck for a more private setting.  Curtis and Cat remained behind giving both couples the privacy they wanted. 
    "Cat, do you want another beer?"  Curtis asked as he got up and walked to the cooler for another one himself. 
    "Yes, please."  A loud splash sounded about 50 feet from the boat towards the mouth of the cove. 
    ‘What was that?" Cat asked anxiously. 
    "Just fish feeding; it is nothing to be worried about,” Curtis replied standing up to look out into the dark. "I’m sorry you got left with me Cat.  I know that you didn’t expect this tonight." 
    "I am having a good time, Curtis.  Don’t

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