
Read Online Affliction by S. W. Frank - Free Book Online

Book: Affliction by S. W. Frank Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. W. Frank
know I was lost,
    I tried carrying the weight of the world,
    But I only have two hands,
    Hope I get the chance to travel the world,
    But I don't have any plans…
    Not afraid to close my eyes
    Life's a game made for everyone
    And love is the prize…’
    He reached the house and walked through the dimly lit corridor. There’s energy from children, while they’re asleep a parent can feel the flutter of innocent hearts. A home of love breathes and he wanted to be part of it always but somewhere he was losing the fight.
    Damn babe, don’t break me anymore. I’m becoming lost. The lyrics to the song had resonated so deep, they made him think.
    He was engrossed in thought until a door creaked open and a child’s head poked out. He came awake at the sight of one of his many loves.
    “Hi daddy,” Angelina whispered and then tip-toed like a burglar to ward her father.
    A tired man scooped up the small child to plant a kiss on a rosy cheek. “¿Qué es esto?” he asked. “My angel is not asleep.”
    “I waited for you.”
    “You did hija?”
    “Um-hum,” she said shaking her head up and down .
    Her glow of innocence recharged his emotional battery.
    “Por qué?”
    “Because what?”
    “Because I wanted to say good-night.”
    “Oh you are sweet. Te amo, hija.”
    “You’re sweet like sugar.” She rubbed his ears and kissed his forehead. “Love you, too,” she said and then wiggled out of his arms.
    Alfonzo placed her gently on her feet and smiled as she tip-toed to her room. What a sweet child. He peeked in and she had the cover over her head. Vincent was curled in a ball on the opposite bed.
    “Buenos noches mi ángel,” Alfonzo whispered.
    “Night .” She yawned.
    Alfonzo grinned as he closed the door. He wasn’t lost anymore; he was found by a child.
    “Mama, Carlo comes with me, finito!” Giuseppe shouted to the woman as she made her protest known for the hundredth time. He did not wish to hear any more. Shanda’s death did not give her license to steal his son. Frankly, he needed Carlo’s presence more than ever. He marched upstairs with his mother in pursuit.
    The pain of Shanda’s sudden passing had eased somewhat, but his temper had not. Lately, everyone and everything set him off, except Carlo.
    “Geo, por favore, let him stay. You are far too busy to care for him, besides, it is late and he is asleep.” Sophie pleaded.
    "Mama you are worse than the Americano government. I have told you the decision is final, yet you attempt extortion at the expense of others." Vexed, Giuseppe exhaled. "Do not use my work to claim Carlo. Ti amo mama, but do not make me angry with your manipulations.” His eyes softened.  Perhaps he was being cruel. At times, he had to reach inside for the words of Allie, who always cautioned him to be nice. He had listened, bought Shanda that damn car and his niceness is why she died. If anyone were to blame, nice Giuseppe was at fault. “Mama, I know you were good to Shanda. Feel no guilt. Continue with the business, you have her recipes and the skill. Honor her memory mama; do that for Carlo…por favore…do it for me.”
    Sophie held a hand to her heart. Her grief was deep and the guilt immeasurable. Only if she had not given Shanda the key and waited for Giuseppe to do the honors, the girl would be alive because he would have prevented her from driving off. But a meddling mother wanted to see Shanda’s happy expression, that’s what she couldn’t get out of her mind.
    Sophie’s eyes filled as she looked upon her son. “Por favore figlio let Carlo stay this notte.”
    Giuseppe gripped the balustrade. Ah, cazzo perhaps he could allow the boy to remain till tomorrow. “I come after work mama. Have his things ready, por favore?” he said and then trot down the stairs and slammed out the door before his mother thanked him.
    Sophie sighed. Shanda’s passing had made Giuseppe more irritable. She prayed the deep

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