The Scarlet King
kept sounding the depth
using a line and stone, and as the young priest had said, the water
was safe. The tide was past high and darkness was but a few hours
away. Captain Cook gave the order to lower the anchor and drop all
sails. When the anchor had set, the watch was posted. Heather had
finished feeding her baby and returned topside. She asked, "Could a
boat be put ashore on the mainland?"
    Captain Cook responded only after examining
the shoreline carefully. "A boat could be landed but what
    Heather responded, "I would have those of the
Forest scout ahead."
    "You would have them climb that cliff?"
    Heather nodded in the affirmative saying, "If
those of the Forest are willing and able it would be best."
    Several of the Forest were examining the
cliff and said, "If we can use a light line from the ship the cliff
can be scaled."
    Heather said, "I would that four of the
Forest set out and scout the defenses that those of the Red may
have erected. We would expect to pick you up shortly after dawn so
that we can use the tide to enter the harbor."
    Those of the Forest chose amongst themselves
and the four chosen prepared their equipment. The sailors lowered
one of the boats and those of the Forest were taken across the
small waterway to a small beach where they landed. The beach was
almost completely covered at high tide. The sailors advised those
of the Forest, "You may need to get wet in order to return."
    Those of the Forest acknowledged the warning
and climbed onto land for the first time in several weeks. They
felt real joy at having solid rock beneath their feet, but noticed
that if they closed their eyes the world would roll as if they were
aboard the ship. They wasted little time and began their ascent of
the cliff, which was composed of different layers of rock, some of
which appeared markedly eroded and others very sound. The series of
ledges thus produced made for a relatively easy ascent. Then they
were gone from sight.
    Aboard ship it was mostly a time of
preparation with a checking and rechecking of their weapons and
other preparations. Daniel was fascinated by the layers of rock he
was seeing and so wished he could explore them, but was trapped
aboard the boat. Heather too felt confined but used the time to
practice with her sword. Her right arm remained stiff and somewhat
weak from an injury sustained during an earlier battle. She found
it easier to control the sword with her left arm. She practiced
holding a knife in her right hand and using the sword in her left.
This produced a better sense of balance but she definitely lacked
the finesse she had enjoyed before the injury to her right arm.
Betty interrupted her practice, bringing her baby forth who was
demanding to be fed. Heather sheathed her weapons and resumed the
role of mother.
    The night passed slowly, and as dawn
approached the boat was lowered and those of the Forest retrieved.
They were in high spirits as they returned to the ship. They
reported to Heather that a catapult was mounted on the cliff
overlooking the harbor. They explained that it was unguarded, so
they took the liberty of slicing almost completely through both the
launching and the controlling ropes. There were no other ships to
be seen. They then described the harbor, which was large enough for
only six or seven ships of their size and connected through the
cliff by a very tiny channel. The people lived in stone homes
carved into the soft layer of stone about a quarter way up the
cliff. A more traditional building seemed to house those of the Red
and was adjacent to a dock structure. The boats of Larby's people
were simply pulled ashore on the small beach.
    Heather and the Captain received the report
and Heather thanked those of the Forest for their efforts. She and
Captain Cook then conferred only briefly before the order was given
to hoist the anchor and raise the sails. Slowly the ship moved
forward, and with but an hour and a half of sail they spotted the
cleft in the cliffs.

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