The Scarlet King
make sure
the supplies were adequate.
    Captain Cook responded, "Supplies are
adequate for three months’ journey if we are careful. The powder
arrived late yesterday afternoon."
    Soon the order was given to cast off the
lines and their ship began to pick up speed as it headed for the
sea. By nightfall they reached the point where the river melded
with the ocean and across the bar they sailed. As Captain Cook had
predicted, the little ones traveled without difficulty. The winds
were favorable and they sailed south just out of sight of land.
    Heather again took command during daylight
and the sailors soon adapted to taking orders from someone who was
nursing her baby. Only mild rain showers and squalls of wind were
encountered and they made better time than on their last journey.
In three and one-half weeks of travel they were nearing the passage
which separated the land of Larby's people and the Island of the
Flightless Bird.
    Betty awoke somewhat distraught and
immediately sought out Heather. They completed their morning ritual
together and provided care for the little ones before Heather had
time to listen. Betty said, "I saw darkness coming from the
    Heather tried to figure out what she was
talking about to no avail. Betty finally stood her tallest, and
chewing hard on her lip, said, "I am just a little one and don't
know what it means. I know it scary." She added, "We should warn
Larby's people."
    Heather looked long and hard at Betty and saw
both fear and certainty in her face. She replied, "I will inform
Captain Cook. Have Elrod meet me topside to plan our defense."
    Heather presented to relieve Captain Cook and
advised him that they needed to stop at the land of Larby's people.
He asked, "You think it is safe?"
    Heather responded, "No, but it appears we
must stop anyway, for Betty has had another vision." She continued,
"I would we prepared for possible battle."
    The hunters prepared their bows and the
sailors prepared the cannons. Captain Cook consulted the charts and
gave Heather a new course heading before going down for some rest.
He said only, "Wake me when land is sighted. I have only a sketch
of what the harbor entrance looks like. It may be hard to
    Daniel spent the morning with the young
priest examining Captain Cook 's chart and comparing it to the
images the young priest had stored in his mind. During the time
Larby had spent at the monastery, he had drawn more pictures of his
homeland and described them.
    The entrance to the harbor was but a small
slot in the wall of the cliffs that faced the ocean. Even in their
small boats Larby's people would not challenge the rocks and
riptides at low tide. Just north of the entrance was an island they
called "The Waiting Island." If needed, they would hide in the
shelter of this island until the tides were proper for return to
their homes. It was just a few hours by sail or paddle from the
shelter to the entrance of the harbor.
    It was midday before the lookout sighted the
headlands which marked the northern approach to the harbor. Captain
Cook was informed and returned topside. He was struggling to
determine his position when Daniel explained what he had learned
from the young priest. Captain Cook listened attentively while
gently shaking his head. He responded, "I cannot believe I'm going
to again trust my ship to the mysticism of a priest." He turned
towards the young priest and said, "You I trust, for you seem not
like the others of your kind. I would you stay here as we approach
this island and repeat again the words you remember."
    As they approached the island slowly from the
north the young priest repeated the words he remembered: "The water
is fair and deep near the island but rocky and foul shoreside.
Anchorage is not secure and a watch must be kept, for the winds
change. When the tide is nearing high, the center of the passage
into the harbor is open and safe."
    The Captain ordered the sails reduced as they
slowly approached the island. The crew

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