The Scarlet King
Heather had insisted the meeting be
held in the guard station at the main gate, for she feared yet for
Daniel. Captain Cook and Elrod were waiting when they arrived. All
of those on duty left the guard station and Elrod posted himself as
sentry outside the door. Captain Cook, dressed in formal uniform,
bowed his head in recognition and said, "It is an honor to see you
again, Princess. I would expect your visit will involve another
    Heather but nodded her head before saying, "I
would travel to the south."
    "To the Island of the Flightless Bird?"
    Heather was quiet for a moment as she
wrestled with her intuition before replying, "I expect much further
    Captain Cook asked, "A voyage of
    Heather chewed on her lower lip before
replying. "No. A voyage of rescue." She continued, "They have seen
danger for King Jason and the others. My grandmother has visited
and ordered me to journey forth."
    It was Captain Cook’s turn for a moment of
silence before he replied, "I and my crew are pledged to your
service and mean to honor that pledge." He then added, "I have
added the second cannon of Daniel's to the ship and secured a
supply of the iron balls but have almost no powder left."
    Daniel spoke up for the first time, saying,
"There is but little powder in stock, but what those of the Forest
have will be arriving soon."
    Heather asked, "When will you be ready to set
    "The ship and the crew are ready, but for
such a voyage more supplies will be needed. With permission to
obtain the supplies we could be ready in forty-eight hours."
    Heather replied, "Plan on sailing in
forty-eight hours." She then looked down slightly before adding,
"We travel with a baby and small child."
    Captain Cook accepted this, saying, "Children
adapt easily to life aboard ship. The danger of the sea is present,
but I would assume other dangers are of greater concern." He added,
"Is not uncommon for the free traders to travel with their families
    The meeting was about to end when Captain
Cook asked, "I need to know the size of your party."
    Heather replied, "We traveled as a party of
fifty, but I would expect a few more of the Forest to arrive and
Elrod most certainly will want to join us. I would plan on sixty
passengers total."
    Captain Cook but nodded his head and said,
"We sail in forty-eight hours at first light."
    Daniel and Heather returned to the royal
chambers and joined the rest in the breaking of the fast. It was
midmorning before she and her father met with his advisers. Many
questions were asked but Heather had few answers. Those of the
Northern Kingdom understood not the . Heather listened politely to
all the reasons why she should not journey to the unknown lands. At
the end of the meeting she simply announced, "I sail on the dawn
following the morrow."
    Well before dawn on their day of departure
the whole of the palace was awake and active. The breaking of the
fast seemed to occur just a few hours after the evening of
storytelling had ended. Tears flowed freely as Heather and her
family left the palace and were joined by those of the Forest. When
they arrived at the gate, Elrod was dressed for travel and began
another monologue about how his wife Martha had insisted that he
travel with the Princess. Those of the Forest who knew not Elrod
were amazed at his ability to continuously talk. When he slowed
enough in his talk, Heather simply said, "You may join us."
    Elrod joined in the group which traveled in
what appeared a very disorganized fashion, with a few always
ranging ahead and a few others straggling behind. Heather was
taking no chances of another attack on Daniel. They were traveling
through the city of her father but those of the Forest traveled as
if they were in enemy territory. They arrived at the ship without
incident and boarded just as the first show of daylight began to be
seen in the clouds to the east. As Elrod assumed responsibility for
settling the crew, Heather checked with Captain Cook to

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