The Reef: A Passionate History: The Great Barrier Reef from Captain Cook to Climate Change

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Book: The Reef: A Passionate History: The Great Barrier Reef from Captain Cook to Climate Change by Iain McCalman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iain McCalman
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    Madame Tussaud’s
    Madrepore ; see also corals; reefs
    Major, James
    Man and Nature (Marsh)
    mantis shrimp
    Manton, Sidnie
    Manual of the Infusoria, A (Saville-Kent)
    mapping, see surveying
    Marco Polo (ship)
    marine biology; equipment for; geology vs.; zoology and; see also corals; reefs
    marine industries; as exploitative; science and; see also pearling
    marki ; marriage and
    Marsh, George Perkins
    Marshall, Sheina
    Marshall Islands
    Marten, Maria
    Martha Ridgway (ship)
    Mather, Patricia
    Mauritius, Flinders imprisonment on
    Mayoral Court of Inquiry
    Mayor, Alfred; accomplishments of; Agassiz and; background of; on Darwin; journeys to GBR by; marriage of
    Mayor, Harriet Hyatt
    McArthur, Kathleen
    McCalman, Andrew
    McIlwraith, Thomas
    McKinney, Jack
    McMichael, Don
    McNamee Creek
    McNeill, Frank
    MCZ (Museum of Comparative Zoology)
    Meander (ship)
    Melanesian tribesmen
    Melbourne Herald
    Melville, Harden Sidney “Griffin”
    Meredith, Louisa Ann
    Mer Island
    Merland, Constant
    metallic starlings
    Microscopical Society
    Mikhaylov, Pavel
    Miller, Dean
    Millport marine research station
    Milton, John
    mining: of Ellison Reef; for oil and gas
    Mission Bay
    Mission Beach Aboriginal Settlement
    Mitchell, David
    molluscs; see also pearling
    Monkhouse, Jonathan
    Monkman, Kitty
    Monkman, Noel
    Moony, Karkynjib Wombil, see Morrill, James
    Moore, David
    Moorhouse, Frank
    Moreton Bay
    Morning Advertiser
    Morning Post
    Morrill, James: background of; with Bindal; colonizers and; injuries to; post-Bindal life of; shipwreck of
    Morris, William
    Mossman, Harry
    Mountains of the Mind (Macfarlane)
    Mount Elliot
    Mount Ernest
    Mount Tamborine
    Murray, John ( Lady Nelson captain)
    Murray, John (Scottish marine scientist)
    Murray group
    Murray Island
    Murrells, Jem, see Morrill, James
    Museum of Comparative Zoology
    mushroom corals
    Myrmidon (ship)
    Mysteries of Udolpho, The (Radcliffe)
    Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (Dickens)
    My Tropic Isle (Banfield)
    Naiga, Alick
    Napier, S. Elliott
    Narrative of the Melancholy Shipwreck of the Charles Eaton (Wemyss)
    Narrative of the Melancholy Wreck of the Charles Eaton (Curtis)
    Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. Fly (Jukes)
    Nathan, Matthew
    National Geographic
    Native Title Act 1993
    Natricidiae kentii
    natural history museums; see also Australian Museum; Museum of Comparative Zoology
    Naturalist in Australia, The (Saville-Kent)
    natural selection, see evolution
    nature writing
    Navigator (ship)
    New Guinea
    New Holland; mapping of; see also Australia
    New Reformation
    New South Wales: gold in; mapping of; naming of; settlement of; see also Australia
    New Zealand
    Nicholls, Aubrey
    Nicklin, Frank
    Night Island
    Noble, Rico
    “noble savages”
    Nolan, Sidney
    Noonuccal, Oodgeroo
    north Australia separatists
    Northumberland group
    nutmeg pigeons
    oil industry
    oil spills
    Old Aburda
    Old Den
    Old Duppa
    Old Fields
    Old Manu
    Old Sallali
    Old Seewai
    On the Barrier Reef (Napier)
    On the Origin of Species (Darwin)
    Orpheus Island
    Orr, A. P.
    Otter, Charles
    outer reef
    Ovens River
    Owen, Richard
    Oyster Cay
    oysters; cultivation of
    Pacific Ocean, routes to Indian Ocean from
    Palmer River
    Palm Island
    Pama Malngkana
    pandanus tree
    Pandora (ship)
    Pan-Pacific Science Congress
    Papua New Guinea
    Paradise Lost (Milton)
    parrot fish
    Paterson, Bob
    Pearl Shell and Bêche-de-Mer Fisheries Act of 1881
    Pelletier, Narcisse; adoption of; background of; contemporary Uutaalnganu-speaking people and; drawing by; passing by; return to France by; shipwreck of
    Pelletier: The Forgotten Castaway of Cape York (Anderson)
    petroleum industry

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