The Reef: A Passionate History: The Great Barrier Reef from Captain Cook to Climate Change

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Book: The Reef: A Passionate History: The Great Barrier Reef from Captain Cook to Climate Change by Iain McCalman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iain McCalman
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Robert Louis
    stewardship, of nature
    Stirling Castle (ship)
    Stoddart, David
    Strickland, Walter
    Strong-tide Passage
    Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, The (Darwin); see also Darwin, Charles: subsidence theory of
    subsidence; Agassiz’s quest to disprove
    Sudden Jerk, The (ship)
    sugar industry
    surveying; instruments for
    Suzuki, David
    Swain, William
    Swain reefs
    Sydney Morning Herald
    Sydney Technical College
    Sydney Times
    symbiosis; of coral and algae; varieties of
    Talbot, Frank
    Tasman, Abel
    taxonomy; native; questioning of; role of in zoology
    Taylor, Thomas Griffith
    terror, beauty and
    T. Fisher Unwin
    Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress
    Thirsty Sound
    Thompson, Barbara “Giom”; attempted kidnapping of; background of; Boroto and; children of; Kaurareg left by; language of; passing by; public response to; time with Kaurareg of
    Thomson, Wyville
    Thoreau, Henry David
    Thursday Island
    tiger sharks
    Tigris (ship)
    Times, The (London)
    Tolkien, J. R. R.
    Tolstoy, Leo
    Topinard, Paul
    Torres Strait; Charles Eaton in; Flinders and; Fly in; Saville-Kent in; shipping routes through; Veron in
    Torres Strait Islanders; Aborigines and; boats of; Europeans adopted by; European conflict with; European connections with; food and; in sugar industry; tribal elders among; westernization of
    Torres Strait Route, The (Banfield)
    Torrey Canyon (ship)
    tourism; restrictions on
    Townsville; Banfields in; institute of marine science in, see AIMS; separatist movement in
    Townsville Daily Bulletin
    Townsville Evening Star
    Townsville University College
    Tracey, Geoff
    trade unions
    trochus; shells of
    Tropic Days (Banfield)
    Tsinan (ship)
    Tuesday Island
    Tully region
    Turtle Reef
    turtles; Aboriginal stewardship of; endangerment of; fantasies about
    type specimens
    underwater photography
    University of London
    University of Melbourne
    University of New England
    University of Queensland
    University of Sydney
    Unwin, T. Fisher
    U.S. Geological Survey
    Uutaalnganu-speaking people
    Vaughan, Thomas Wayland
    Vereker, H. P. Foley
    Veron, J. E. N. “Charlie”; background of; career choice of; corals and; Darwin and; diving by; on extinction; nickname of; publications of
    Veron, Katie
    Veron, Noni
    Virtue, George
    Vivien Reef
    Voyage to Terra Australis, A (Flinders)
    Wain, Barry
    Walden (Thoreau)
    Walker, Jan
    Walker, Kath
    Wallace, Alfred Russel
    Wanthaala people: body modification by; male pursuits of; Pelletier adopted by; region of; seniority among; spirituality and; tools of
    Ward, Charles Melbourne “Mel”
    Warrior Reef
    Webb, Len passim; ACF and; background of; Busst and Wright and; ecology and; epiphany of
    Wednesday Island
    Wells, John W.
    Wemyss, Thomas
    Wesley College
    Westall, William
    West Australian
    Western Australia
    Western Pacific Warm Pool
    wet season
    Whicher, Jonathan
    White, Gilbert
    White, Patrick
    white-rumped wood swallow
    Whitlam, Gough
    Whitley, Gilbert
    Whitsunday region
    Wickham’s River
    Wide Bay
    Wide World Magazine
    wilderness; fear of; human need for
    Wildlife Preservation Society; journal of
    Willmett, Thankful
    Wistaria Reef channel
    Within the Barrier (Banfield)
    Women’s College
    Wood, Noel
    wood swallows
    Woodworth, William “Little Billy”
    World Heritage site designation
    World War I
    World War II
    WPSQ, see Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
    Wreck Reef
    Wright, Judith passim; on Aborigines; ACF and; background of; Busst and Webb and; Ellison Reef and; WPSQ and; writings by
    Year on the Great Barrier Reef, A (Yonge)
    Yonge, Charles “Maurice”; background of; book by; economic biology and; findings of;

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