The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened

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Book: The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened by CS Patra Read Free Book Online
Authors: CS Patra
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want to go out and be an irresponsible teen for a while? Then let’s be irresponsible teens. Let’s break the rules for one night! As long as we don’t do anything illegal, and we get back by curfew, we’ll be in the clear!”
    Tessa didn’t seem sure about the idea. “Really? Maybe we should tell someone if we go out.”
    “We’re not going far, Tessa. We could just go down a few blocks and see the sights. It will be a lot of fun just to get some fresh air and mingle with people! Think about it.”
    “I always did want to know what night time was like out here.” Yuka sighed, looking at the gates that led to the other world. “I guess it can’t hurt if we were to go down a block or two. The cabin fever is getting to me. I’m so tired of all these practices. I need to stretch my legs for a while. What do you guys say?”
    “I say let’s go for it! Let’s get out of here for a while. Maybe they just don’t want us to wander to the airport or something far away. One or two blocks isn’t going to hurt anyone. As long as we come back by curfew, I’m sure they’ll be okay with it,” Kaska added. “We’ll just get back before they do. They’ll never suspect a thing.”
    “Okay, but where are we going to go?” Avani asked. “I’m feeling a little hungry. I want to eat something that isn’t healthy for a change. In fact, I feel like having a pizza loaded with everything and two hot fudge sundaes for dessert! ”
    “I take it that you aren’t doing any modeling anytime soon?” Yuka asked with a smile. “What about that Givenchy campaign that you’ve been talking about? ?”
    “I didn’t get the Givenchy campaign,” she explained with a sigh. “They thought I looked too young. Oh well, I guess there’s always next season. By then, I’ll be fifteen and hopefully more up to standards. For now, I just want to be young and happy. What better way to do that than to go out for a while and eat some junk food?”
    “Well, let’s celebrate being young then,” Tessa suggested. “After all, we’re going to end up being immortal by the time we’re in our forties. Let’s enjoy the time that we have now.”
    “That’s the first great idea you’ve had in a while,” Kaska said. “Let’s celebrate being young! And to Paris. Things are going to be great, girls. As long as we don’t think too much about being Guardians, we will be good.”
    They were back to being Debra, Rosemary, Tiffany, and Suzanne for the night.
    Dinner turned out to be two large pizzas that they happily devoured. It had been weeks since they had eaten out , and each bite was more delicious than the last. It was nice to see people around and to be talking in a crowded restaurant. All the time in Tartarus Sanctum had made them forget how nice the outside world could be.
    “Best decision we have made in our lives!” Suzanne exclaimed, taking another slice. “I know my agency is going to kill me, but I can’t help it. There’s always next season and the gym-.”
    “Maybe we should slow down a little bit,” Rosemary suggested, as people were staring as they walked by. “We’re the only ones eating like animals here.”
    “Well, they kinda consider us animals,” Debra said. “They shouldn’t be that surprised.”
    “But we’re in human form,” Tiffany whispered. “At the very least, we should try to act like humans. Let’s look at what’s on the TV.” She pointed to one of them. “Hey, it’s a football game! I wonder who’s winning.”
    “Who cares? Look at that explosion!” Rosemary was looking at another TV where something had blown up. “Wow, those are some amazing special effects!”
    “Special effects? They’ve got Brady Bunch reruns on this screen.” Debra turned to another one. “Man, I like a place that doesn’t just have sports on the tube. We did make a good decision to stop by here, especially since it’s not too far away from

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