The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened

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Book: The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened by CS Patra Read Free Book Online
Authors: CS Patra
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boring meeting.”
    “It’s a bunch of demon slayers!” Yuka exclaimed, after peeking into the hole herself. “It can’t be boring if it’s demon slayers! The ones Master Sebastian keeps talking about, you know? Let’s find out what they’re doing!” she said, as she started in the building.
    Kaska’s jaw dropped at that. She grabbed Yuka’s arm. “Yuka, are you crazy? When I said we should have a good time, I meant we should do fun things, not get ourselves killed! Those are demon slayers! We are demons! Guys like that kill girls like us!”
    “Yeah, I don’t feel good about this either,” Tessa responded, as she held in a gulp. “We’re trespassing and eavesdropping and who knows what else. I have no idea if any of those things are illegal, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t think we should be here. We should turn back. We’ll find other fun things to do.”
    Avani peered into the room and didn’t understand why Kaska and Tessa were so scared. The room looked harmless with all those men in there. They looked serious, but it was nothing horrible. Those two were overreacting as usual. Their masters had all told them not to provoke these types of guys. And they weren’t doing that. They were just listening in. No harm, no foul.
    “I think we should stay,” Avani said, settling in.
    “What? Why?” Kaska asked. “Are you crazy? We need to get out of here! We need to go back!”
    “And do what? We’re stuck at home until tomorrow. Our masters are out and finally, after all these years, we’re getting some excitement,” Yuka declared, then frowned, giving in. “Look, we’ll stay here for ten minutes, and see what they’re talking about. Then we’ll leave. If it sucks, we’ll leave sooner. Are you fine with that?”
    “I don’t…” Tessa started, but Avani stepped in and cut her off.
    “Ten minutes isn’t that long, guys. It’ll go by so fast that they won’t even know we are here. So far, it looks boring enough that we might end up leaving early,” she pointed out.
    Tessa started to speak again, but Yuka cut her off this time, whispering, “As long as we stay quiet, things will be fine. Come on.”
    Kaska and Tessa knew they were in the middle of a pointless battle. Yuka and Avani had already parked themselves close to the door, listening eagerly to what would happen. Giving up, the girls sat by the door, waiting to hear something exciting, hoping it would be boring so the other two would want to leave. As it turns out, demon slayers in a meeting aren’t exciting to watch. They all listened in.
    “As you know, demonic activity has hit an all-time high,” the apparent leader announced. “The footage at the airport hasn’t been changed in any means. They are running around for some reason, and we need to stop them.”
    “But what are we going to do?” someone asked. “They move so fast and are gone before we get there! How are we going to stop something we can’t see?”
    “A very good question. Luckily I have the answer: we move faster. We overtake them and put fear in their hearts. Demons are under the impression that they are the most powerful creatures in the world. Well, we need to remind them just who really rules the world. This is our planet, and we are not letting those monsters trample all over it.”
    “Monsters?” Avani whispered, offended. “We’re not trampling anything. What is this guy talking about?”
    “Shhh!” Kaska silenced her. Suddenly, she was intrigued by this harmless meeting. “I want to hear more.”
    “Oh, now you’re interested.” Yuka rolled her eyes. “Come on. These guys are up to something.  I can smell it from behind this door.”
    Tessa sniffed the air. “All I smell is the wood in this building.”
    “Now we have come up with the ultimate plan to pacify these beasts,” the leader went on. “I’m using the term lightly, as they aren’t friendly

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