The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened

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Book: The Reaper's Apprentices #1: Awakened by CS Patra Read Free Book Online
Authors: CS Patra
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home. I forgot how fun being a human can be. It’s all the little things people take for granted.”
    “For sure. Check out the news!” Suzanne turned to the next TV, and her smile faded when she saw the airport. “More airport news? Don’t these demons know when to stop?”
    “What are they even doing there?” Tiffany asked. “You’d think that with all the media and police around, they would try to hide.”
    “Maybe they don’t want to hide,” Rosemary said. “Maybe they want people to see them, because they’re planning something. Maybe it’s such a big plan that they want everyone to know they exist. Now what they could be planning, I don’t know.”
    “Well, they have to stop.” Debra frowned at the TV screen. “If they keep terrorizing people, they’re going to give the rest of us a bad reputation.”
    “What if they aren’t terrorizing people?” Suzanne asked. “What if they’re trying to do something else, and it just looks like they’re terrorizing people.”
    “You’re giving them too much credit. Not all the demons are like us,” Tiffany whispered. “Most of them don’t have what we’ve got. A lot of them have simply lost their direction in life.”

    Chapter 7
    As they left the restaurant, they were surprised to see what was stuck to the buildings and poles outside. They certainly didn’t like the idea of demons in the airport, but it was the fliers that truly shocked them. Someone had stuck fliers on every possible surface. Unfortunately, the only thing anyone was able to read on them was: ‘ANTI-DEMON! BE RID OF THESE PESTS TODAY!’
    “Would you look at that?” Kaska said, as she picked up one of the papers that had fallen on the ground. “Now there are anti-demon groups. This is just what we need.”
    “I wonder if these flyers weren’t here all the time, and we just never noticed until now,” Tessa said, staring at a telephone pole covered with the anti-demon propaganda. “Maybe people are a lot more aware of us than we think. Maybe demons have been causing problems well before this airport incident."
    "You’re full of a lot of ‘maybes’ today,” Yuka noted, looking at a building covered with the fliers. “I swear there isn’t a single place on this block that doesn’t have this crap on it.”
    “I had no idea the airport stuff was so bad,” Avani said, as they walked down the streets. “Now people can’t travel anywhere. And a bunch of people can’t come home. I wonder what’s making all the demons go berserk.”
    “Maybe they aren’t going berserk. Maybe they’re just as scared as the humans, but can’t really let anyone know,” Tessa pointed out. “I mean, there’s no one willing to talk to them. Everyone’s running in the other direction.”
    They each thought about what she had said, watching as some people headed toward an old building. No one knew why, but they were being drawn to it. It didn’t seem like a club or a restaurant, yet people were flocking to it. Kaska motioned to her friends to go into hiding so no one on the street would notice them.
    “Maybe we should go back to Tartarus Sanctum,” Yuka suggested. “We still have time before our masters come back. I mean, we’ve had our fun. Maybe we should go.”
    “But we have time!” Kaska pointed out. “That’s the thing! For the first time in a long time, we have time to enjoy ourselves! We’re running around at night and feeling like we belong in this world! It’s like we’ve been released from prison!”
    “No, I think we can go and explore the old building for a little bit,” she said. “If there’s nothing interesting, we’ll turn back. We won’t bother the humans, and we won’t say a word about it to the masters. Agreed?”
    “Do you know what this is?” she asked, pointing to the hole in the wall.
    “No, what?” Tessa asked, as she looked through the hole. “It just looks like a

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