The Ranger (Book 1)

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Book: The Ranger (Book 1) by E.A. Whitehead Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.A. Whitehead
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him,” called the voice of Abbot Markov. “The challenge is over.”
    Vincent released his hold on Mayberry before sending the flames surrounding him back to their torches and releasing his token. Mayberry moved in the blink of an eye to stand behind Vincent.
    “I would like to meet you again,” Mayberry whispered in Vincent’s ear as he placed his hand over Vincent’s token, “perhaps when the Lord Abbot has removed his limitations on my powers.”
    Vincent cried out in pain as Mayberry pressed down on the token, the flames of his hands burning into Vincent’s back through both tunic and chain mail.
    “I see great things in store for you, Chosen One. You may yet be the hope of many.” Mayberry whispered as he moved away from Vincent.
    “You are dismissed,” the Abbot called, “Return to your Lady.”
    Mayberry bowed once more to the Abbot. He disappeared into a pillar of fire and was gone. The crowd was deathly silent.
    “We have our winner,” the Abbot said softly.
    Slowly, the crowd started cheering until it was a deafening roar. Vincent basked in the glory. The other knights formed a line on either side of Vincent. Thomas was once again on his feet and full of energy. He smiled excitedly at Vincent as he took his place in line next to him.
    Abbot Markov rose to his feet, silencing the excited crowd. A broad smile graced his face. “Congratulations, all of you,” he exclaimed. “Hence forth, you are no longer initiates, but full brothers with the Knights of the Order of Sandora. Tomorrow you will all go your separate ways to fulfill your assignments at the placements you will receive shortly. I hope that you will all remember fondly your time here in the academy. So, without further ado, I shall give you your assignments.”
    Vincent stiffened with a wince. The adrenaline was wearing off and the cuts and burns covering his body, along with the large gash in his shoulder, were all taking their toll. Exhaustion was taking over. He couldn’t even focus as the Abbot read out the assignments of the others.
    “Thomas Honson…,” The abbot called, catching Vincent’s attention. He could see Thomas straighten as his name was called. “You have been assigned to the Abbey of Spacco under Abbot Foster.” Thomas deflated as the assignment was announced, clearly disappointed.
    “Looks like there’s only you left to get the post here,” Thomas whispered to Vincent.
    “That leaves us only with our champion remaining to be assigned.” The abbot paused, smiling. “I would gladly take you into my garrison here Vincent. Unfortunately for me, there is the matter of the special placement that needs filling; and you have earned the right to fill it. I will allow Master Jason Silva to explain it.” The Abbot indicated the man with the black tunic.
    Master Silva rose and walked over to stand next to Vincent. He put his hand on Vincent’s uninjured shoulder. His face was just as expressionless as ever.
    “As Lord Abbot Markov has already said, I am Jason Silva. It has been a pleasure to assist in the presentation this year. It has been a long time since I’ve had this opportunity. It seems only fitting that I attend this year, given the nature of this new assignment. For you see, I am the Master of the Rangers.”
    Vincent’s heart leapt, not daring to believe what was happening.
    “Your assignment, Vincent, is with me. Starting tomorrow, you will be a Ranger. When you return to your chamber your new uniform will be waiting for you.” With that, Master Silva walked away. “Be ready to leave at first light,” he called over his shoulder as he left.
    “Well,” Abbot Markov said, breaking the awed silence, “We’ve had an exciting evening. Congratulations once again to all of you. However, the hour is late, and tomorrow many of us must start the long road home. I recommend that we all find our beds quickly. May Sandora smile upon you all.”
    The Abbot waved to the crowd. He then returned to the abbey

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