Two if by Sea
    Oh my God . Hands. Large, strong, stroke you all night hands were everywhere. She didn’t know where Damon ended and Tony began. Testosterone and sex. It bored into her brain and addled her senses. Soaked her panties.
    How could this be happening?
    Daphne didn’t know down from up or right from wrong anymore. This was different than any other night at a club. Different than any date she’d ever had.
    A parade of failed romances flitted through her head. So many respectable guys—the ones she’d met through co-workers and well-intentioned friends. They might look good on paper and have an orthodontist-made smile, but half of them had bored her to tears before the main course.
    The handful of dirty boys she’d met by chance had been sexy, but shallow. Kyle from the bar and Dominic from the gym. That one who’d kissed her against the wall of her apartment building and then asked for cab money back home. She didn’t even remember his name.
    God, she’d had some real winners. But not a single one had ever turned her into this. Daphne Meadows didn’t strut her stuff out on a dance floor or shake her ass in some man’s crotch. She must be stricken with some tropical illness or cruise ship fever. Was there a sickness that brought on orgasms?
    Whatever it was, she couldn’t get enough. Daphne needed more. Dancing. Sweat. Hands all over her. She needed Damon’s blue eyes and Tony’s tanned skin. Both of them taking her places she’d never dreamed of.
    A throb began, slow at first, ebbing and flowing in time to the music. With each rock of Damon’s hips and press of his cock against her thigh, it increased. From a presence to a beat to a need so sharp Daphne couldn’t stop.
    There was no turning back now.
    Damon’s hands snaked around her front and his fingers brushed across her breast. Oh! The moan tore from her lips and she pressed back so hard, his cock dug into the crack of her ass. Thick and hard, it begged for her.
    Fingers stroked her nipple, brazen and out in the open. Daphne looked up into Tony’s eyes. Could they do this? Could they be this bold and reckless?
    His black eyes glinted in the neon light and as the strobe pulsed, his lips landed on hers. His tongue slashed against her, hot and insistent, and Daphne yielded.
    Liquor and sin and man. She drank him in. Drowned in him.
    His tongue swiped across hers, his hands tore up her thighs, and Daphne’s last bit of doubt crumbled. So what if everyone on that entire boat watched them grope each other? Wasn’t that what this whole cruise was about? She’d seen the evidence first hand. People came on these trips to get laid, not to get to know each other.
    At last, Tony pulled back. He traced her swollen lower lip with his thumb and she fought the urge to lick it.
    “You are delicious, Ms. Meadows. I could feast on you all night.”
    Daphne swallowed. Everything sounded dirty when Tony said it.
    As he stepped back, Daphne braved a look around. Partiers had packed the floor. Half of them were wrapped up in each other’s arms, making out, running their hands up and down. Are they…Oh my God. One guy had his hands shoved in the front of some woman’s pants. Her eyes were closed, her head lolled on his shoulder and Daphne stared as a stranger orgasmed right in front of her.
    It wasn’t her grandmother’s cruise ship, that’s for sure. I bet the shuffleboard’s fun.
    A laugh bubbled up her throat and Damon tugged her closer. No one on that boat cared whether she was groping Tony or kissing Damon. Everyone was there for the same thing. To let go and get some. Shouldn’t she take advantage?
    Rachel might have dumped this trip on her, but it was her choice to be miserable or not.
    One night. She could pretend to be someone else for one night. In the morning, she’d pack up and demand to go home. She had the rest of the week to figure out what to do about her job and her firm and her life. But tonight?
    Tony ran his hand down her cheek and

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