The Quest: Countdown to Armageddon: Book 6

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Book: The Quest: Countdown to Armageddon: Book 6 by Darrell Maloney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darrell Maloney
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able to make such food by a combination of great recipes and ingenuity.
         The homemade sauce was made extra garlicky to hide the fact that the lasagna noodles were three years old.
         They’d figured out how to make and cure their own cheeses from the single dairy cow the block had.
         The garlic bread was exquisite. So was the fresh salad and homemade dressing.
         “This is food I would have expected to get at a fine restaurant before the blackout,” he proclaimed.
         He was lying, of course.
         But only a little.
         Sara noticed that Rachel and Misty had gone outside to play with the other children, and thought it a good time to find out more about the shooting.
         Scarlett was happy to oblige them.
         “He was found by a passerby while he was picking flowers for Hannah. The passerby used his car’s radio to call dispatch and then disappeared. Apparently he didn’t want to get involved any more than he had to.
         “Rhett told me that initially they tried hard to locate the man, and considered him a prime suspect. But then it dawned on them that if he was the shooter, he’d have just left without reporting his crime.
         “Somebody went by and got Hannah and the girls and took them directly to the hospital. Hannah never left, but we were able to convince her that it was no place for the girls to be.”
         Tom dreaded the answer, but asked the question anyway.
         “What are his chances?”
         “The doctors say not good. He could still die from his head wound, they said. They’re monitoring him closely for blood clots, but if he has a bad one it could kill him. He could get a serious infection, and the only antibiotic they have to treat him is penicillin. And he’s allergic to penicillin.
         “They told Hannah there are a lot of different things working against him. And even if he does survive he is likely to be severely brain damaged.”
         “What did she say?”
         “She told them they were crazy. She said, and I quote, ‘If you think two little bullets are going to kill John Castro, then you don’t know John Castro.’”
          “Scarlett, you were saying something about flyers earlier. What were you talking about?”
         “Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. Let me go get Rachel and Misty and they can show you what they’ve been working on. But remember, no more talk of the shooting while they’re around. They’re having a hard enough time coping as it is.”
         A few minutes later when Scarlett returned with the girls, little Misty was beaming. Scarlett had appointed her to do the big reveal. That was only fitting, since she’d hatched the project in the first place. 
         Actually, that wasn’t entirely true. She’d gotten the idea from Zachary when he told her over the ham radio about the business cards he’d altered.
         Sara hugged Misty and said, “Okay, Punkin head, I understand you have something to show us.”
         “Yep. Sure do.”
         From behind her back she produced a handful of handmade signs, drawn in various colors of crayon on white computer paper.
         Each sign proclaimed:
    Sara Is Looking For You.
    Please Flag Down Any
    SAPD Vehicle And
    Ask the Officer To
    Take You to Chief
    Mike Martinez
         Sara was touched.
         “Wow, Misty. This is so awesome! And so are you! How in the world did you ever come up with this idea?”
         “Well, Zachary said he was helping in your search by making you cards to hand out to people. I figured if cards would help, then maybe signs would too. So I asked Mr. Rhett if he would hang up the signs for me and he said he would. So every day I make a bunch…”
         Rachel cleared her throat, much louder than she needed

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