The Playboy's Proposition

Read Online The Playboy's Proposition by Deena Ward - Free Book Online

Book: The Playboy's Proposition by Deena Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deena Ward
Tags: The Power to Please
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Michael. Was this something he wanted? I was
feeling unsure, myself. This was treading into an area I still wasn’t sure
    Michael was staring at my breasts intently. When Ron struck
me again, Michael pinched the hell out of my other nipple. I was barely able to
keep from crying out. That had stung pretty badly, both the smack and the
    Michael and Ron seemed entranced by the game they had
created. I was feeling increasingly panicky. Michael picked up his own spoon
and nodded at Ron.
    Michael said, “Let’s see what two spoons can do. The top of
her tits, on the count of three. One ... two ... three!”
    The both flicked their wrists and smacked their spoons onto
the top of each of my breasts. I couldn’t believe how much a couple of little
silver teaspoons could hurt, and I couldn’t control my cry. Michael quickly
covered my mouth with his free hand, stifling the sounds of the remainder of my
cries. To my credit, I managed to keep my own hands clasped behind my neck, as
I had been told, though it was hard to fight the natural instinct to cover my
    I didn’t know how much longer I could do this. Both men
seemed so huge and menacing, and their eyes so intent on my helpless breasts. I
began to quiver involuntarily. Was this excitement? Was this fear?
    Michael uncovered my mouth, and leaned over to whisper in my
ear. “You’re doing beautifully, my sweet. I know this is hard for you. It
pleases me that you’re doing it. You’re so sexy you’re driving me crazy.”
    I closed my eyes and focused on the low, soothing tone of
his voice. I concentrated on slowing my breathing.
    He said, “Just a few more minutes and then we’ll stop, I
promise. Just a few more minutes. You can bear this for me, can’t you? ”
    The quivering had died away, and I took a deep breath. I opened
my eyes and said, “Yes, I’ll try.”
    Michael looked at Ron and asked, “The sides?”
    Ron said, “My pleasure.”
    Michael covered my mouth with his hand and said, “Just in
case. Now, one ... two ... three!”
    His hand squelched my cries. Tears sprung up in the corners
of my eyes. The pain wasn’t unbearable. Certainly, I had been hurt much worse
by many other things in my life. But it wasn’t just the nasty stings of the
smacks that were affecting me. To sit here and allow this in public was
difficult, and had it been more painful, I doubt I could have withstood it.
    Michael said, “Lovely. What fun. Top again?”
    Ron growled out, “Top, yes.”
    “Then one ... two ... three!”
    I fought tears while they enjoyed their little game. They
struck me four or five more times.
    Then Michael said, “One last one, together. You know where.”
He laughed low. “One ... two ... three!”
    And they smacked the hell out of my nipples. It stung, badly
and I let out a squeal, loud even though Michael’s hand still covered my mouth.
I don’t know how I wasn’t heard. Maybe the other diners did hear me, but
regardless, no one investigated.
    Both men dropped their spoons and reached out and massaged
my nipples and around my breasts. Michael uncovered my mouth once I stopped
moaning and with a napkin, dabbed around the corners of my eyes where a few
tears had spilled over. He told me to lower my arms and relax against the back
of the booth.
    They both murmured about how I was beautiful and how much
they enjoyed themselves, and how pretty my breasts looked with red marks
dotting the white flesh.
    Ron gave my breast a final pat then leaned back into his
seat. “You did very well, Miss Crawford.”
    I thanked him, which I imagined was the proper thing to do,
then took a drink of the water Michael handed me. The two men had rubbed away
most of the pain of my breasts, though my nipples still stood out hard and
throbbed every so often.
    Michael said, “Yes, you did very well. I enjoyed it.” Then
he reached down and pushed his hand between my legs and shoved two fingers into
the folds of my pussy. He smiled. “And if what

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