The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) by Alexandra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra North
job like a rash. Kept asking when you would be on site.”
    I’m not sure how I feel about this. I hadn’t seen Chris much since the accident and he’d moved out of Seb’s place now and into his own. No matter how much more serious Seb & I became as a couple, Chris seemed to linger. Instead I choose to refrain from voicing my negative thoughts. “Chris is a good wingman to Sebastian. I appreciate his assistance on this job. He did some great work on The Ashton Hotel.”
    “Well, I better get back to it? Do you need to see anything else?”
    I consider the room. “Nope. The bathroom’s need to be completed by next week, that includes paintwork. All of them, so if you don’t have enough people on the job, get them. Decorating starts a week tomorrow in the rooms. Flooring goes down a week on Friday, leaving three days for furniture and accessories and 60 minute makeover etc. The launch is a week on Friday.”
    “Quick turnaround.”
    “Yep. Then we finish titivating downstairs. They’ve already painted the hall, foyer lounge, and bar area so I’m happy with that. We just need to finish the downstairs loos. Right, call me if you need me. I’ll be around for the next 24 hours but I’m away to see Seb in Paris on Thursday so if you need answers email me or contact Colin at the office.”
    “Not a problem. Enjoy your trip. Say hi to the boss for me - have a croissant for me.”
    I smile happily, excited that I’d be seeing my man so soon. “Will do. Im back Monday so will be around to sort out any concerns.”  
    All I can think of right now is those damned pastries in bed, with nothing but our naked bodies writhing against one another, hmmm just the thought of it makes me tingly in places that have lain formant for weeks. Hardly Professional.


    The car journey back to the office is spent mentally itemising my wardrobe for the trip. My phone rings and interrupts Sia belting out something about her elastic heart whilst I’m mid-planning my outfit for the second night. “Good Morning, Elysium Interiors, Lucia Myers speaking.”
    “Well, good morning to you too stranger. I thought you’d become a recluse.”  
    “Hi, Suze.” I chuckle at my sister’s blunt welcome - she was right though I’d been crap of late - I hadn’t rung her in days. “How’s the bump?”
    “You mean the freaking mountain - bump my ‘growing-fatter-by-the-day’- arse? Hu…freaking…mongous, that’s how!”
    “That big hey - enough about G’s cock - I meant my future niece, actually.”
    “Uggghh don’t talk to me about Gino’s cock - the man can keep it in his pants for…ever ,as far as I’m concerned - that’s what got me in this state in the first place - I mean I’m like a freaking whale and I’m making him horny as hell - how is that possible?”
    “So, the word of the day, is freaking?”
    “Yeah..and?” she snaps, daring me to argue with her and I silently purse my lips together and blow out calmly, glad I’m not in her near vicinity.  
    “Nothing, darling and to answer your question, it’s totally possible that your sexy hubby is horny as hell over his heavily pregnant wife - you are beautiful and carrying his first child. To him you’re gorgeous no matter what.” I hear her sigh of exasperation into the phone and feel for her. I remember feeling the same with Finn. “How many weeks today?”
    “25’ish - they are not sure whether I might be a week or so further on. So I might be 26?”
    Bless she thought she was big now, wait until full-term…
    “I’m sorry, Lulu…” I hear tears begin to clog her throat and sniffles follow.
    “Hey, hey, Suze, what’s wrong - you Ok?”
    “I’m fine - I just feel so hormonal and I feel rotten because I just realised I’m moaning about being big and fat and pregnant to you! You! Of all people. How fucking selfish am I?”
    “Hunny, it’s Ok, really it is. To be honest I’m glad you are - you’re treating me normally and not with kid gloves and

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