The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) by Alexandra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra North
you know what? I love that you are having a baby, especially after what Seb and I just went through as it will help me get over it. This little girl will be our family miracle, or light at the end of a pitch-black tunnel.” The words spill out of me and as I say them without pause and I feel their worth, knowing that they have true value and I mean every one of them - they are completely cathartic.
    Another sniffle deafens me down the phone. “Really?”
    “Yes. I’m getting there, Sis.” And I really am. I have lots to look forward to.
    “Seb and you Ok?”
    “We will be.”
    “He’s been so good, Lulu, such a trooper. You need to marry this one.”
    That’s the plan. “I’m going to Paris on Thursday to see him.”
    “Oh, how romantic - I forgot he was away - does he know yet?”
    “No, so don’t tell anyone. I’ll let him know later today, I think.”
    “Well, we can have Finn if you need us too - we’d love to, I’m not working this week. I got cover in the shop for the next few weeks, as I’ve felt so rubbish.”
    “Thanks for the offer, hun but I’ve asked mum and dad - he has his room there and you have enough on at the mo.”
    “Not a problem, well the offers there if you change your mind. Now enough about domesticity. What about all the hot sex you’re going to have?”
    I laugh loudly into the car. “I thought you just said you’re off sex and cocks for life?”
    “Not for life, just for now - there’s things going on down below I don’t even want to think about, let alone look at in the mirror, my vulva is seriously bulging, yuk! You on the other hand can be thinking about beautiful lingerie, sexy dresses, perfume, high heels, sex with your hot guy in the most romantic city in the world. Oh, Lu - you need this, it’s just what you need to get you and Seb back in the swing of things.”
    “I agree.”
    “Right, well I’ll speak to you later, if you need to borrow anything or want anything new from the Dolly’s, let me know and I’ll bring it round tomorrow - just check the website - I’ve just got an amazing new knitwear range from Italy and there’s a dress you will lurve - I’ll put it too one side. I’m too fat of course for them all.” She sighs dramatically. “ Right, I’m offski’s - love ya.”
    I laugh. “Love you too, Sis.”
    “Sorry for the moan?”
    “It’s fine, hun - what are sister’s for?”
    “To be total beatches?”
    “Go! Love to G.”
    “It’s the only love he’s getting so he’ll be chuffed to bits.”
    “Poor Gino.”
    “Don’t feel sorry for him, feel sorry for my swollen body. If I show him the tiniest bit of love he thinks he’s getting action and I just can’t, I’m so uncomfortable. Give him an inch and he’ll take the whole fucking vagina.”
    I giggle at her play on words but I do remember it well. “Have you not tried doggy? That usually works?”
    “Not now my arse if the size of the Nutty Professor’s I’m too busy looking over my shoulder at it, rather than enjoying the moment, I got a crick in my neck last time.”
    “I have to go - you’re creasing me up - I’m literally crying here, with laughter. You’re mental. Go put your feet up, enjoy the time off from work and remember its not for much longer.”
    “Bye, lovely.”
    I hang up smiling. Whilst I understand that pregnancy has huge changes on a woman’s body and some of those were effecting Suzie dramatically, she’d hammed up her annoyance with them and played down her excitement at becoming a mother to protect my feelings. I’m sure of it, bless her. Suzie has wanted this baby forever and been trying for a few years, without success, so it meant everything to her and Gino.  
    I’m surprised how Ok I am with all the connotations that go with the subject of her impending motherhood and how happy I am for them. I don’t have any resentment, something I’m ashamed to admit that a month ago I couldn’t admit.
    What will be will

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