The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3)

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Book: The One Adored (The One Trilogy Book 3) by Alexandra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra North
be, Lu, always remember that. Believe in fate, its got you this far.


    Once I’m back work and I have inhaled my first cup of tea, I settle into our cosy reception area with my first appointment of the day, a stunning Wag, named Crystal Matthews, who is married to a local footballer celebrity. They have recently moved to the area, with their young family and want to completely gut their newly purchased home, in Presley, a secluded and exclusive village just on the outskirts of Holdgate. The coup would be fabulous for Elysium and her husband’s open-wallet-no-budget was even more appealing. Better yet, we click immediately and she adores Colin. We arrange a meeting for the next week to assess the rooms that need re-decorating and Crystal signs a purchase order then and there, with the agreement that money/budget will be discussed once specs are made. Colin disappears like a crazed fan to google Zane Matthews - he definitely has a new idol to obsess over.
    After making some notes on the Matthew’s job whilst they were fresh in my mind, I grab a sparkling water and settle down to find a flight from Lords Airport on Thursday to Paris. With less than 48 hours until departure, it was going to go one of two ways - cheap due to last minute availability or extortionate due to lack of availability. Unfortunately it was the latter, but I didn’t give a shit. It was worth every penny, on my already bowing credit card, to get to my gorgeous man and I book it without question. One step closer to intimacy again with Seb - that’s all that matters.  
    Next, I book my hair and beauty appointment for Wednesday and do some last minute on-line shopping. New clothes and goodies always make a girl feel good about themselves on a sexy break away and this one was important to me. I needed to feel my best. I just hoped they’d arrive in time.
    Finally I organise cover for Finn, something I should have probably considered before booking my flight but Abby had offered to help out if I was struggling. My parents step up to the mark, as per, with my mum encouraging me to take as much time as I need, when I explain to her exactly what my intentions are. I honestly don’t know what I’d have done without their support the past few months, but I know that they adore Seb and I know that they want us to be together and any together-time that means that we are moving towards making a more serious commitment, they are both on board 100%. That hat 'aint going to waste!
    I just hope that Finn will be as easily convinced later tonight. I’ve a feeling he may want to come with but not on this trip - this trip was going to be all about the ooh la la or ooh Lulu. We’d definitely have to organise a weekend away with him when we got back, maybe a visit to the seaside with Suzie & Gino.
    Now all that was left to do was send my message to Seb, to let him know I was coming to him. I had wanted to surprise him but Abs had said that when she mentioned the plans to Nathan, he felt Seb would rather know. Na, had organised that he was free but they were extremely busy with a client and finalising their latest negotiations with the American Devereux hotel chain in Paris. SilCon would be managing the build from start to business, knocking about and re-fitting an existing chateau they owned which was in a prime location, central to all the tourist spots but in its own grounds and all this had come off the back of The Jannah Hotel Project. I’m so proud of him and all he has achieved and excited to see this hotel - it sounded like a real diamond in the rough.
    Right, how do I inform Seb? Text? Flowers? I decide upon an email - it’s a little more official somehow, but this is important to me so I want it to be taken seriously. I’m actually nervous as I type the words, deleting, re-typing and beginning again, over and over, until I am happy. For fucks sake, - its an email woman - you’re not asking permission, you’re already going, you’ve booked your

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