The Next Best Thing

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Book: The Next Best Thing by Deidre Berry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deidre Berry
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was all I could think of, but Sean was so far gone, he just kept babbling as if he hadn’t heard me.
    â€œâ€¦A man makes a few coins less than you do, and he ain’t shit in your eyes. He’s dispensable. And that attitude right there is why the majority of y’all are gonna die single, and why you bitches don’t have no one to cuddle up to at night besides your goddamn vibrators.”
    I was offended on so many levels. First of all, I have never even owned a vibrator. Second, this mother-skunk just called me the b-word.
    â€œWait a minute, who are you calling a bitch ?” I exploded, with Queen Latifah ferocity. “You must be off your fucking meds!”
    The noise level in the room went down several notches as people turned to watch the unfolding ghetto drama.
    â€œAs a matter of fact, I am off my meds…” Sean said sarcastically. “ Bitch! ”
    That was it. I was so done.
    After emptying what was left of my drink on top of Sean’s head, all eyes were on me as I grabbed my purse and headed for the exit.
    Refusing for my exit to be viewed as a walk of shame, I pretended I was on a catwalk and treated the gawkers to my best Naomi Campbell impression: Chin up, with a my-shit-don’t-stink strut, and a wry, kiss-my-ass smile.
    Just inches from the door, I was horrified to see Roland’s brother, Gary, and his wife, Carlotta, sitting at a table near the entrance.
    I got to keep the wine collection, the red leather Natuzzi living room group, the contemporary art collection, the sixty-inch high-definition plasma TV, and even the state-of-the-art entertainment system, but what I did not get to keep was the handful of Roland’s relatives that I had grown to love. Like his grandparents, Aunt Jean, Uncle Pee-Wee, and sister-in-law Carlotta.
    We were all close at one time, but I have not seen or heard from any of them since everything went down, which is understandable.
    With any breakup, friends have to choose sides. And I’m not surprised Carlotta chose Roland. After all, they are still family. And to keep the peace she has to fall in line with the rest of the clan, who have suddenly taken to treating me as if I have the bird flu. Like I’m the one to blame for this whole sordid mess.
    Now here my ex-future-in-laws were, having a huge laugh at my expense.
    That’s just fucking great. It might as well have been Roland himself sitting up at that table because I had no doubt they would go back and provide blow-by-blow details of this whole fiasco.
    What to do?
    I smiled and waved at Gary and Carlotta, and didn’t even break my stride.
    I left Union Station, and sped south on Main Street like a demon was on my tail. I didn’t think Sean was following me, I just wanted to put as much distance between him and me as possible.
    Congratu-fucking-lations, Tori! You are officially back out there.
    How ironic was it that my first date in many years, turned out to be the worst date I have ever had in my life?
    I just hoped this was not a forewarning of what was to come.
    This is what Sean’s profile would say if he had written the whole truth about himself.
    I am an overweight, binge drinking, old-school wannabe Mack Daddy with serious mental health issues. Instead of satisfaction, I can guarantee that you will wish you had never met me. If this sounds good and you think you are a match, hit me with an e-mail at [email protected]
    I felt robbed. Like somebody owed me an hour of my life back.
    On the way home, I called Yvette. “Good looking out,” I said sarcastically, when she answered the phone.
    I relayed the whole ordeal, which prompted Yvette to suddenly remember that Sean may have, kinda sorta been a little bit bipolar back in the day.
    â€œBut I thought he’d gotten over that,” she said in her own defense.
    â€œYvette, being bipolar is not something you get over like a fucking cold!” I said through clenched

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