The Necromancer (Amber Lee Mysteries Book 3)

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Book: The Necromancer (Amber Lee Mysteries Book 3) by Katerina Martinez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katerina Martinez
hands into my copper hair and wrapping them around my head and neck. Our mouths danced and I found myself swaying against his body. Grinding. But I stopped myself.
    “No, no,” I said, pulling away.
    “Playing games with me again?”
    “Believe me,” I said, pulling my face away from his, “I want you just as bad. But we should talk, at least for a little while.”
    “I didn’t say we couldn’t.”
    “No, but if we start this now I just know we’re going to be at it all night.”
    “That good, huh?”
    “Don’t push it,” I warned. “I just don’t want to give you the wrong impression.”
    “And what impression is that.”
    “That I don’t want to talk to you. That this is all you’re good for.”
    “I don’t feel that way about you.”
    I smiled. “And how do you feel?”
    Aaron hesitated for a moment. I sensed that he was looking for the right words. I wanted to peer into his aura, but I was doing my best to numb my sixth sense around him. I didn’t mind reading other people’s auras, but doing it to Aaron felt too much like a violation.
    “Intimate,” Aaron said.
    “I like that word,” I said.
    “I do too.” I brushed my hand against his cheek and smiled, but Aaron winced.
    “Ow,” he said.
    “Woah, are you okay?” I pulled my hand away from him and noted the red mark on his face. “Aaron…”
    Aaron touched his cheek. It was warm and red, but I didn’t see any wounds I could have touched by accident.
    “What just happened?” I asked.
    Aaron took my hands and took a deep whiff. “I smell silver on your hands.”
    “But I—” Collette. The locket. But that was hours ago! “You can smell that?”
    The red mark on Aaron’s face disappeared. “Yeah,” he said. “I’ve gotta be careful with silver.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
    “You couldn’t have.”
    I stood up and breathed deep, then I sailed around the room toward the sofa and sat down. Aaron followed and sat down next to me. He patted his thighs and I raised my feet so that he could take off my shoes and rub them.
    “So,” I said, “I want you to tell me everything you couldn’t tell me over the phone.”
    “Where do I start?”
    “Well… what’s your dad like?”
    “My dad,” said Aaron, pausing to think, “He’s not like me at all. He served in the war, has all that discipline and hard teaching thing to him.”
    “Oh, really? What war?”
    “Korea? Wait, wasn’t that… how old is your dad?”
    “He’s never told me,” said Aaron, “But he’s old.”
    “That’s… but, hang on. How is that even possible? You showed me a picture of him and he looked—”
    “Like he’s my older brother? I know.”
    “Holy shit. Why is—I mean, how is—is it because he’s a werewolf?”
    “This body comes with perks.”
    “Okay, hold on. Let me get this straight. Are you saying that you and your dad are immortal?”
    “God no. Nothing like that.”
    “ Something like that.”
    “No. We’re just… our bodies are more durable. I don’t know how to explain it, but it isn’t magic. That much I know.”
    “So, you’re not quite immortal, but something like that.”
    “Something like that.”
    “But, then, that means that you’re going to out-live me.”
    A wave of fear washed out Aaron’s face. I saw the light in his eyes fade away when he realized that he hadn’t considered what I had just said until this very moment. If Aaron would out-live me, where did that leave our future? I shook away the thought. It wasn’t important right now. Only that it was, but I was trying to hide the disappointment.
    “Amber, I—”
    “Hey, let’s not think about that right now okay?” I said, smiling. “Why don’t you go ahead and show me something you can do?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Well… that night, up in the mountains, you watched me set a room on fire with my mind.”
    Aaron clenched his jaw tight at the

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