Endurance: Apocalypse (The Endurance Series Book 2)

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Book: Endurance: Apocalypse (The Endurance Series Book 2) by T. J. Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. J. Blake
as it did, the group stopped walking. The echo of a woman’s grunt was heard. She turned around and approached the man.
    ‘You fucking idiot; shut up. We need to get into Waterloo and stop Miller.’
The middle-aged man looked down to the tracks and shrugged his shoulders.
    ‘We have a better chance to cure London if we stop him. If you keep on shouting they’ll hear us and come and kill us, then we’re all screwed, do you understand me?’ she said.
    ‘Sorry Mrs Williams,’ the man said.
    ‘Please, call me Sarah.’
    ‘Whilst we’ve stopped can I ask you something?’ Another man said.
    Sarah rolled her eyes and turned to him. ‘Yes, what?’
    ‘Miller got more votes than you in the election…’
    ‘He didn’t, it was a fix.’
    ‘You would say that, you weren’t elected.’
    ‘It was obviously fixed.’ Sarah said as she approached the man; he stood up straight, sticking his chest out.
    ‘Miller threatened the Prime Minister. We don’t know where the Prime Minister is, we only have Miller’s word that he is actually still alive.’ Sarah said. ‘He’s making these elite humans, I know that much. We worked together but he did something unforgivable… We have to stop him otherwise life will never be the same again.’
    ‘What did he do?’ A young woman whispered.
    ‘That doesn’t matter. He can’t be trusted. We need to end this and end the virus outbreak once and for all.’ Sarah walked through the tunnel and the large group followed.
    ‘We’ll set up base here.’ Sarah said to the group as everyone entered the underground stop.
    The group stumbled up onto the platform and sank to the ground.
    ‘I believe this is just two underground stops away from Waterloo. Barricade the entrances. We have explosive weapons which we need for the attack on Waterloo, but we also need to plant some under the roads.’
    ‘Why under the roads Sarah?’ two people asked simultaneously.  
    ‘Because we can detonate them when he calls for backup; we’ll kill his backup before they get to us. We’ll have more of a chance then.’
    ‘Who’s the backup?’
    ‘The police and army,’ Sarah said with a sigh. ‘Miller has all the power he needs to dominate London.’
    The group asked Sarah questions all at the same time; their voices jumbling together and becoming louder.
    ‘Everyone calm down.’ Sarah said.
    ‘How do you know everything he wants and everything he’s doing?’ a man asked.
    ‘Because I was planning it with him; I didn’t want this, his plans are ludicrous.’
    ‘What are the plans?’ a young woman asked.
    ‘He wants to turn everyone into elite humans.’
    ‘Why is that such a bad thing?’ a man asked.
    ‘Because once you turn, it completely changes you.’
    ‘How?’ someone else said.
    ‘It changes people in many different ways. Our studies showed that it could change you physically and mentally. The mental enhancements have mostly been to do with memory and sight. There are cases where some have even been able to see the future.’
    ‘That’s incredible,’ a woman said.
    ‘This virus kills more than it changes; millions of people will die if Miller is allowed to make this virus airborne, which it already could be.’
    Most of the people in the group were worried and chattered amongst themselves until Sarah fired her gun into the air. Brick dust drifted down from the ceiling.
    ‘Let’s hope that they heard that. You all want to be taken by Miller to be experimented on? That’s fine by me. Wait here for them to come and get you, or even better; you could just walk out of here right now and make your way to Waterloo and hand yourself in.’ Sarah screamed, throwing her gun to the ground.
    The group remained silent for a moment. They watched Sarah sit with her back against the wall, hugging her legs.
    A feeble man stood up warily and spoke to the group. ‘Miller is a monster. We need to back Sarah.’ He said, waving his veiny arms. ‘Miller is using this virus as a

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