The Eventide Child

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Book: The Eventide Child by C.A Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A Hines
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    “...Alright, Alright, but do not say I didn’t try to warn ya,” Cass sighed, her hands nervously played at her glove as she delayed the news as long as possible. Only continuing when Alexandra had given her an annoyed grunt.
    “You’re not just some shepherd girl. Not precisely. Toward the end of his career, Petros served with the Praetorian Guard. He was a bodyguard to the Emperor. You were too young to remember when your father died at Larissa, so we told Petros never to tell you. You’re the last drop of Imperial Blood we can find. The Bastard Daughter of the Emperor. Least that’s what the final orders read, anyways. So technically, you’re my employer, love.”
    “I don’t believe it!” She shouted back. It couldn’t be the truth. Nothing about any of it made any sense. An Emperor? That was just preposterous. That sort of thing only happened in silly stories. Was this all just a cruel joke from the Gods for wishing she had a life like those stories? “That can’t be possible. Petros is my father. I refuse… It’s just not right!”
    “Told ya you wouldn’t like the answer,” Cass admitted.
    Alexandra’s face contorted. She didn’t know whether to feel betrayed, angry, or sad. Her entire life had been a lie. Her father never told her. Her mother never told her. All of these people knew the truth of her existence, and they kept it from her, mocking her. Her hands balled into fists again as she stood.
    They will always betray you, girl.
    “How could it possibly be that I am the daughter of some Emperor?”
    “Well… Ya weren’t exactly born in the high halls of the Imperial Palace. The records say the Emperor had an affair—“
    “So I’m not even a legitimate child?”
    “—Well, yes and no. All of your half-siblings were killed. Unfortunately, the Emperor feared such a thing might have happened so he kept you somethin’ of a secret. Only the Frumentarii have records of you existing, and even then they’re pretty sparse. The identity of your mother isn’t ever mentioned.”
    “This is too much.” Alexandra finally cried out as she threw her head back. Gods how she wished she had just told Petros of her dreams. They could have stayed home and none of this would have happened. She would still just be a simple shepherdess in Arkadia to be wed. Now she was suddenly the last surviving member of the Imperial family with strange magic powers.
    “Where do we go now?” she asked, her voice now weary.
    “We’ve friends in the South. We’ll head that way. Won’t be easy gettin’ ya on the throne, we’ve still got a ways to go. A lot to teach ya, as well. It’ll be a long journey,” Cass explained, though Alexandra cut her off.
    “—the throne?”
    “Aye. You’re the rightful heir of the Empire. It’s my duty to restore you to power, though it’ll be a bit tricky to convince the people what with the Priests dead.”
    “I don’t want to be an Empress, Cass! I don’t know anything about leading people! The first time I set foot in a city, it exploded!”
    “You’ve been a shepherd, Alexandra. Ya would be surprised how often they make good leaders. Sheep and people aren’t so different, really. You’ve got a group of creatures, creatures that rely on you to guide them and protect ‘em. More importantly, you’re unspoiled. You didn’t grow up removed from the world in some high palace. You can relate to the common folk, a trait lackin’ in most royalty, really.”
    “I don’t really think I can do this, Cass. I just want to go home.”
    “Corruption is rife within the remains of the Empire. Tyrants lord over the west, the Shah destroys everything he claims. People are dyin’ in droves all across the length of the Empire. I’m sure ya have seen some yourself. Tripolis was just the tip of the iceberg. The people need hope. Somethin’ to believe in again. The Imperial family wasn’t much to look at, but your father had ambition. He had grand dreams to reclaim the

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