The Light Tamer

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Book: The Light Tamer by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
Tags: Teen Paranormal
it, blowing out lights is intense shit. That must be one helluva pair of lips you got going on there B.”
    I look at her sideways. “B?”
    “B for Bronx, I’m testing it out to see if it fits you.”
    “Thanks, I feel all hood now. The answer to the question about us kissing, is yes, we were kissing. Have you ever heard of Light Tamers blowing up lights?”
    Caleb pulls me to him, a concerned look on his face blew his cover at being nonchalant. “If we get a chance to talk to Ms. Gayle tonight, we should ask her about it. Let’s grab the cookies and Cokes. I hear your mom in there still fussing about my arm, maybe if we show her I survived she’ll ease up. If you hand me a dust pan and broom, I’ll get this glass up.”
    We watched two movies and went through three bags of popcorn before my mom finally decided to go to bed. Amber admits she needs to get home to help her dad get in bed. She might like playing hard ass, but she really seems to be a good person.
    Caleb and I hold hands as I walk him to the front door. “I can’t wait to have you all to myself tomorrow night. I’ll text you when I get home, be careful. You have your flashlight right?”
    I pat my pocket to show him I have my flashlight. “Caleb?”
    “Beautiful?” he replied.
    “Thank you,” I say.
    “I dunno, for being you. Good night. I’ll wait for your text, be good. Don’t text and drive!”
    “Hmmm, good isn’t fun, but I’ll try,” he whispers to me. I shiver and tingle in places I’ve never shivered or tingled before.
    I watch him climb into the car and feel a pang of jealousy that it isn’t me in the passenger seat. Jealousy is ugly, it will betray you in a heartbeat.

Chapter 6
The prize of all too precious you. ~ William Shakespeare
Sonnet 86
    Grandma went to bed, telling me she and I’d go out for a while this weekend and have a good long talk. If I were a suspicious kind of person, I’d guess she wasn’t sure about the reason the lights blew up. Me either.
    Caleb and I got on the internet and messaged each other through Facebook so our parents wouldn’t hear us talking. While we chat, I ask questions about the things he’s done in his life. He told me stories about going to the doctor a lot when he was young. Doctors poked and prodded him, coming up with nothing. No one could tell his parents why he was weak. His mom always thought he had a vitamin D deficiency because he would perk up after a day at the beach. Other kids made fun of him because he was small and pale, having no idea he was also extraordinarily smart. I told him stories about my dad and how his OCD was starting to get the best of him. How life was living with an artist that painted for a living. When he was good, he was amazing and how when he was bad, life sucked for everyone. I’d never expected that I’d be so forthcoming to someone I barely knew. Here he is, and here I go, falling for the first guy that pays me any attention.
    I wake suddenly at 3:15 A.M., only to find my laptop screen protector spinning Captain Jack Sparrow around in circles. Thankfully the lights in my room are still on; my mom has a habit of getting up in middle of the night and turning them off. I go to shut down my computer and see that Caleb sent me a goodnight and good morning note. Does it get any better than this? I’m excited to find out.
    Hearing a noise come from the kitchen, I grab my flashlight and decide to investigate. Walking past the door to my mom’s room, I notice its open a crack. I peek inside to see she is steadily snoring quietly. Okay, grandma must be in the kitchen. When grandma had the house rewired for my bedroom lights, she had light switches installed with motion detectors that will turn on when someone walks around. The new houses being built all come with them, and now, this one does too. The light is dim

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