Bug Out! Part 3: Motorhome Madness

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Book: Bug Out! Part 3: Motorhome Madness by Robert Boren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Boren
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    “I’m going to call Jasmine and tell her to stay in the clubhouse. Our rig is too close to the back.” He pulled out his phone and dialed as they were walking.
    “Where are you?”
    “On my way back to the blind. We lost contact with the Deputy up there.”
    “Who’s with you?”
    “Frank, the Sheriff, Charlie, Jackson, and Earl.”
    “Good. Be careful back there.”
    “Will do. You and Rosie stay in the clubhouse, OK?”
    “Sure, no problem,” she said.
    “Alright, talk to you later,” he said. “Love you.”
    “Love you too, honey. Don’t get shot.”
    Jerry put his phone back in his pocket.
    “Happy Hour might be a little late tonight,” Frank said. “Hope Rosie takes it OK.” Jerry, the Sheriff, and Charlie all cracked up. Earl and Jackson gave them a quizzical look.
    “My mother-in-law,” Jerry said to them. “She likes to party.”
    “Oh,” Earl said.
    “What are you guys packing?” asked Jerry.
    “I’ve got an old Remington bolt action 30-06,” Earl said.
    “Mine’s a .270 Winchester bolt,” Jackson said.
    “Good stuff,” Jerry said. “Guess I’m low man again with this damn .30 Carbine.”
    “There’s the gate, let’s cut the chatter,” the Sheriff said. The men hushed up and crept forward, slipping through the gate. Frank took off Lucy’s leash and hung it on the fence. In another 20 yards they saw the blind. They made their way as quietly as they could. They could barely see the trees that the blind was in. Lucy started to growl. The men hit the dirt and crawled up behind some bushes. They couldn’t see the blind yet, only higher up on the trees.
    “Split up,” Jerry whispered. “Two over there, two on the other side, two in the middle.”
    They fanned out and continued to move forward. Frank and Jerry were in the center, with the Sheriff and Charlie to the left and Earl and Jackson to the right.
    A low growl, and Lucy stopped walking. Frank could just see the blind now. There was a man dressed in black climbing the ladder. Frank got a bead on him with the Winchester and fired. The man flew off the ladder. Frank moved the lever to reload the Winchester. Then several shots came their way. They hit the dirt. Lucy looked over to the left. Frank and Jerry both saw a man dressed in black get up and start running towards them. Both Frank and Jerry got him in their sights, but before they could shoot his head exploded.
    “Charlie, I’ll bet,” Frank whispered. “The sheriff just has a scatter gun. That was a big rifle round.”
    They went forward a little further, and Lucy growled again. She looked towards some bushes by the trees opposite of the blind. Frank saw movement again. He aimed and fired. He saw another man roll out of the bushes and then get up to run. This man had a camo suit on. He got about three steps before he got shot square in the back, hard enough to throw him forward. Frank and Jerry looked over, and saw Earl work the bolt on his 30-06 to chamber another round. Then there was silence, for a few minutes. All of the men were afraid to get up, so they watched and listened. Lucy was quiet. Then the Sheriff shouted.
    “Terry, you up there?”
    “Yeah, Sheriff, but I’m scared,” he shouted, sounding ashamed. “I couldn’t bring myself to fire.”
    “You aren’t hit?” asked Jerry.
    “No,” he said.
    “Alright,” the Sheriff said. “I’m coming up. Sit tight, and keep your eyes open.”
    “Sure that’s a good idea, Sheriff?” asked Jerry. “You might make a really good target. If they get a bead on you, we aren’t giving up to save you.”
    “Yeah, don’t, because they’ll just kill us all anyway,” he said. “I have to go up. That’s my nephew.”
    “Understand,” Jerry said.
    There was a rustle, and the Sheriff emerged from the bushes, crouching, and tried to make his way to the ladder. Then a shot went off. It missed, and the Sheriff hit the dirt. Frank saw where the shot came from and pointed over

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