The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV

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Book: The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Gray
Tags: Romance, series, Vampires, prophecy, dawn gray, the vampire legacy, julian deveraux
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know how it felt to love you back then, and I know how easy
it would be, now, to fall all over again.”
    “And, what about your life outside this
house? What about your husband and your son?” He questioned. I
closed my eyes, briefly, then opened them and looked up at him
again, as he now seemed to hover above me. “Do you think you can
keep this a secret?”
    “My heart tells me that I can, my mind isn't
all that sure.” I replied, wanting to turn away from him, but I
couldn't, I was locked there, unable to move. Julian came closer,
leaning on his elbows to prop himself up, but the distance was
closing between us as his lips brushed mine. I could feel the heat
from him as his body lay against mine. “Does this make me a bad
    “Don't deny yourself this moment, Cait, just
because you feel indebted to a man who was half responsible for
your child.” Julian whispered. I shook my head and put my hands on
his shoulders, pushing him away. He looked at me, with that of
disappointment, but I believe it was aimed at him more than me.
    “I don't understand why I can't get passed
this, Julian, but I know one thing for certain,” I sighed as I
moved away from him, out of that strange position. He looked at me
as I walked to the door. “I'm also responsible for my child. I
should be trying to figure myself out and get home to him, instead
of trying to figure out these feelings that I have for you.”
    “I'm not one of the bad guys, Cait. I want to
help you get your memories back; I can't help it if I still love
you.” He replied, sitting up in bed.
    I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “Maybe, it would
be best if we weren't alone together, any more.”
    “If that's what you want, but, remember, you
came to me.” He answered. I lowered my eyes as I nodded and left
the room. On the other side of the door, after closing it tightly
behind me, I leaned back against the wall and crossed my arms.
    “I don't know what I want.” I whispered and
stepped away from the wall.
    The only way off the third floor was the
staircase I had used to get up there, and Julian had the only room
up there that I knew of, so, when I noticed the light at the end of
the long, dark hallway, my curiosity began to run wild. I looked
back at Julian's room, and then began to make my way down the
hallway. It turned out that the light was only the moon shining in
a window in a room with an open door, but the fact that this room
was open at all seemed strange. I stepped into this cold, empty
room, crossing my arms over my chest, hugging myself.
    I stood in the middle of the room, staring
out the window at the large round moon in the sky, feeling an odd
déjà-vu as my dream began to play out in my mind, filling in the
blanks as it went.
    It was a flash of light in the window that I
was now looking out that had caught my attention, bringing me into
the house. As I walked the halls of this darkened house, searching
for the stairway, the voice inside my head grew louder, screaming
danger at me. I began to call out to Julian with my mental voice,
knowing that if he was close by, even if it wasn't in the house, he
would hear me.
    The feeling grew stronger as I made my way up
to the second floor, then to the third. I stood at the top of this
staircase, looking down the hall at the light at the end, hairs on
the back of my neck stood up as chills ran down my spine and goose
bumps covered my flesh, but I chose to go on, despite the warnings
and as I stepped into the room, the same room I stood in right
then, I knew where the danger was coming from.
    He stood there, next to the window, smiling
at me. His eyes were red, as if the pigment in them had been stuck
that color during the heat of battle, his hair, in the moonlight,
was almost a dark blood red color, and his face was pale white. He
was dressed all in black, bringing out the paleness of his skin,
and his hands were down in front of him, one over the other.
    In his smile, I could see the fangs, and I

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