The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV

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Book: The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Gray
Tags: Romance, series, Vampires, prophecy, dawn gray, the vampire legacy, julian deveraux
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someone following me.” As I said that, an image popped
into my head. “A man.” I whispered. Julian sat up next to me. “I
see a man that I hadn't seen before; he wasn't even in my dreams
    “What does he looked like?” Julian
questioned. I shrugged, trying to see him again in my head, but I
wasn't able to make him out fully.
    “All I can see is white skin and red eyes,
but not like threatening red eyes, not like a hunter's eyes, these
were his normal color.” I glanced over at Julian. “Do you know
anyone like that?”
    “I do, yes.” He replied, looking away from my
questioning stare. “I'll tell you about him, when you're
    “Okay, well, I'll go on then.” I looked down
at our hands and noticed how he held mine protectively. “Um, I
would walk around for a while, still looking for whatever it is I'm
searching for, but I know that I don't find it inside. Outside, I
stopped and stood on the patio and looked over the green grass,
towards the ocean, taking in the view and...”
    I stopped again, and then looked at him
quickly. “Another thing that isn't in your dream?” I nodded. “Tell
me about it.”
    “No, it's not an 'it'; it's a person.”
    “The same man?”
    “No, this is a different one with curly dark
hair like yours; I mean its dark like yours. His eyes are different
than yours and Quinn's, but he looks like you. I think they're
brown and even though I know he won't hurt me, I just can't shake
this uneasy feeling when he's close by.” I sighed, squeezing his
fingers, trying not to get over excited. “His name...” I whispered,
and then looked into Julian's eyes. “His name is Nick, Connie's
‘Nick’. So, that's what he looks like. No wonder she thought he and
you were the same person.”
    “We're not, in fact, we're total opposites.”
Julian said, in his own defense. “What is he doing?”
    “Just standing there, close to me, like he's
watching over me, and I can feel the waves of danger coming up from
behind me, but I still don't see anything, but Nick suddenly moves
closer, like he's jumping for something, and that's usually when I
wake up screaming.” I smiled. “It's all a bit scary, however, this
last time I dreamt it, I wasn't scared at all, in fact, I got up
and fished the photo album out of a box in my closet and found
pictures of this place.”
    “So, this last time it led you to us?” He
asked. I nodded as I crawled back under the covers and curled up,
facing him. “Can I ask you a very personal question?”
    “Sure.” I nodded.
    “How many of your dreams come true?” He
whispered. I thought about this a moment, then shrugged. “Wait,
before you think about it too much; let me rephrase the question.
How many times have you dreamed of something and had some part of
it, not all, but some variation or aspects of it come true?”
    “Like bits and pieces?” I asked, and watched
him nod. “All the time. Mostly, its symbols though, like here and
there in my dreams, I'll see objects in my mind and then I'll see
them in reality, but I've never had one actually come true.
    “I think your gift comes through your
dreams.” Julian answered, sliding down in the bed to lie next to
me, facing me. He had one arm under his head and his other close to
his face. “We'll see soon, I'm sure.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Nick and the other man, they weren't clear
in your dreams before, but now you can see them, that might mean
something.” Julian smiled and touched my lips with his finger,
gently rubbing them back and forth. “The last time I saw you, you
were smiling and there was almost a bright light around you. I hope
I haven't caused whatever it is that's making that light so
    “How can you cause anything?” I whispered, as
I took his hand held it against my chest; I was caught in his eyes,
almost drowning in a sea of green. “When I think of you, all I feel
is warmth that hasn't been there for a very long time. It's funny,
but, I

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