Layers Crossed

Read Online Layers Crossed by Lacey Silks - Free Book Online

Book: Layers Crossed by Lacey Silks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Silks
Tags: Suspense, Romance, series, Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, Erotic, cowboy
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excruciating. I didn’t
want to leave her for a moment, but I knew that tomorrow afternoon
she’d get a surprise she wasn’t expecting, so the anticipation
would have to hold me over. I kissed her rosy cheek goodnight and
waited until she got in the elevator. As soon as the doors closed,
I heard a muffled “Yes!”, and I smiled.

    C HAPTER 7
    I barely slept
that night. And when I did, the things I dreamed the Cowboy did to
me left me sweaty and needy and worn out. I might as well have been
up, running on my treadmill (which I hated), feeling my muscles
tense and burn and ache. I found my hand lingering between my legs
at night, but I didn’t go through with the building orgasm,
promising myself that the next one I got would be with the
    And why hadn’t
he kissed me? The warmth of his lips still lingered on my cheek. It
had been a long time since I’d gone out on a date and the guy
didn’t make a move or try to get into my panties afterward. The
fact that he hadn’t made me wonder if there was something wrong
with me.
    Nah! That was impossible. Confidence wasn’t a quality I lacked.
    Not having a
depressing case of cheaters greet me first thing in the morning
felt liberating. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off my
    I’d texted
Grace with the details of last night’s events and now, sitting
behind my desk researching Eric’s home town and John Huntz, I
wondered whether Eric had been hesitating to make a move because I
was working for him. It would be smart of him to do so, but I had a
feeling we’d work quite well together if he could only let go of
that protective shield he held around him. What was he so afraid
of? I knew there was more to his story than he was willing to
share, but didn’t we all have hidden secrets? As I watched my
printer spew out geological surveys and pages of information I’d
need to read through, I booked the company jet for Friday morning.
And, of course, it wasn’t long before Julian knocked on my
    “How’s the
case going?”
    “Care to
    “Why aren’t
you taking a security guy with you Friday?”
    “Why are you
questioning my work, Julian? I said I could handle it, and I
    “I’d prefer
James or Laura went along.”
    “And I’d
prefer you butt out.”
    “Fine, listen.
Mom called. She wants us all over for dinner tonight.”
mid-week.” I frowned. I still had to pack and read through my
prints and make an itinerary for our trip. There wasn’t enough time
for me to close off all the old files so that I could start this
one. I’d already briefed Tristan’s new hire on my other work, but
had barely enough time to organize myself.
    “It’s her
invitation, Emma. You’ll be there, right?”
    “Of course
I’ll be there.”
    Julian’s look
of satisfaction took me aback. He was planning something, but I
didn’t have time to interrogate him. Not when the Cowboy needed all
my attention.
    After a day of
fast-forward work, I pulled up to my parents’ house just before
six, completely exhausted. Dino barked as soon as he saw the house
and I let him out to roam the property. I’d gotten him as a gift
from my brothers, right after Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm passed, just
before I moved out. I remembered the sadness in my parents’ faces
as I left our family home. It was still difficult to forget my
brothers’ melancholy mood, as they insisted on installing new
security features in my new condo. I loved how much they’d always
cared for me, but it was time to let the fledgling leave her
    It was as if
my old dogs had known that I was leaving and couldn’t live without
me. The smaller breed of a Miniature Pinscher was a perfect fit for
my condo.
    When I pulled
up the driveway, no cars were parked outside. My brothers must have
walked over from their houses, which were both adjacent to my
    “Auntie Emma!”
The scream of the youngest of the Cross clan greeted me.

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