The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV

Read Online The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray - Free Book Online

Book: The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Gray
Tags: Romance, series, Vampires, prophecy, dawn gray, the vampire legacy, julian deveraux
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    Julian , my mind called out , they’re
not going to kill him, are they?
    Watch. He answered, but how could I
watch them kill a poor innocent child? How would I be able to live
with it; knowing that there was nothing that I could have done?
But, as the events unfolded before me, I watched as the tiny infant
defended its self against its attackers. They prayed to their gods,
and raised the stake high, placed it down on his tiny chest, and
with a heavy rock, swung to drive it through but the rock cracked
as it hit the stake, and the stake splintered into thousands of
small pieces, and if by magic, the child surrounded it's self with
a pure blue light, an impenetrable wall that let nothing pass
through. The children know instinctively how to protect
themselves, and this was the way it was with the others.
    There are more? I asked as the scene
    Nine in all, nine to rule a nation for two
millennia, then a new generation would be born, and so on. This
generation has already begun, with you and your son. These were the
last words I heard as I slipped back into reality, slowly, opening
my eyes to see nothing but darkness, but I could feel the warmth of
a body next to me and I reached over and touched Julian's chest,
shocking him out of his sleep. I felt him move and a dim light came
on as he looked down at me.
    “How do you feel?” He asked. I moved to shrug
and felt the sharp pain in my neck and I decided to not move as I
reached over and touched the two points on my neck.
    “Ouch!” I hollered, and took my fingers
    “The pain will fade quickly, but the bruises
may take a little longer.” He whispered laying back down beside me.
“So, did you learn anything?”
    “Yeah, that it was you in my fantasies all
along and here I just thought I had a good imagination.” I smiled,
and then looked into his eyes. “Weren't you there? Wasn't that your
voice I heard?”
    “No, the voice you heard might have sounded
like mine, but I believe it was just your subconscious trying to
get you to listen. After I let you go, you fell into a deep sleep,
so I fell asleep beside you.” Julian whispered, as he stroked my
face with his fingers. “What fantasies are you referring too?”
    “Never mind.” I smiled and sat up in the bed.
“What time is it?”
    “Not quite sunrise.” Julian whispered; I
could feel the soft caress of his fingers on the back of my arm.
“Is there anything else that you remember, have any of your
memories returned?”
    “No, not since earlier.” I answered and
turned to him. “Maybe, in the morning, when the sun is up, I'll
remember more.” I pulled my legs up to my chest and sat there a
moment before looking back at him. “Can I ask you a question?”
    “Anything.” He smiled.
    “It's about dreams.” I whispered and watched
him nod, telling me to continue. “Do you believe that your dreams
can mean things, or can be things that you remember, but you don't
know the full story?”
    “Yes, I believe that dreams are the window to
a person's soul, to their inner being, and they can also be
suppressed memories.” He replied, laying flat on his back with one
arm behind his head. “Would you like to tell me about this dream
that you’re talking about?”
    “It may seem strange but then again, why
should it. So far, everything I've experienced has been strange.” I
laughed, smiling at those green eyes, which twinkled up at me.
“Let's see, it usually begins with me standing outside this house,
looking up at the moon, a full moon, then it changed and I was
standing inside, looking around the halls trying to find someone. I
can only assume now, that I was looking for you.”
    “Don't assume anything quite yet.” Julian's
calm voice told me, he looked very serious about what he had just
old me.
    “Okay, anyway, it was light enough to see
where I was going, but, not bright enough to see much else, well,
every now and again, I could see furniture. It's funny, but I could
almost feel

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