and people stare.
He was used to being gawked at; he was tall, and somewhat imposing, wearing all black and obviously American Indian. It was always unnerving, and was like no one had ever seen a Native before.
This was the part he hated most.
It was t he quiet judgment of his heritage. His eyes traversed the bar, sitting there was a man in a uniform, gun strapped to his hip, watching them with unblinking eyes. Well, it looked like Lily was wrong. The sheriff wasn’t bald, fat, or old. In fact, he noticed his partner was smiling as she walked forward, her hand out in warm greeting. It said it all. Apparently, she thought the sheriff was worth the attitude adjustment.
“Hello, Sheriff LaRue, my name is Special Agent Sanderson, and this is my partner, Special Agent Blackhawk. We were supposed to meet you here this morning to discuss…”
Blackhawk cut her off, people were staring, more so than usual. “How do you do?” he said, putting out his hand.
Tony must have looked confused, as to why they were talking to him, until he finally got it. Before he could properly introduce himself, a voice broke the silence.
“Excuse me, Special Agents Blackhawk and Sanderson, there seems to be some mistake. I’m Sheriff Elizabeth LaRue.” She waited for their attention and couldn’t help but smile at the faux pas. “I think you’re here to see me and not my deputy,” she drawled.
Everything in Ethan Blackhawk’s body froze . It was the voice from his dreams, and it now had somehow invaded his waking hours. Chills of awareness rushed over his body. It couldn’t possibly be...
“I hope you had a good flight and drive,” she continued pleasantly.
Blackhawk could feel his gut tighten much like in all the dreams. Could it be possible that he finally found her when he had just given up?
It was as if everything moved in slow motion, except the pounding of hi s heart. He turned, as did Lily, to take in the woman addressing them. She was tall, but not as tall as him and incredibly well built. Her hair hung down her back in a long ponytail. Then there were the eyes he’d looked into every night for a year. The icy blue sparkled with laughter, at the error they both had just made.
Well shit, this wasn’t what he expected. He wasn’t sure if he just got very lucky or screwed over big time. The dreams had nothing on this woman. When he inhaled sharply, he recognized the scent. There was no mistaking it; she was the one. Their paths crossed accidentally, or because fate liked to have the last laugh. Just being this close, he was sure his pent up sexual frustration was about to get worse.
“Gabe didn’t warn you, huh?” she asked, stepping forward, and putting out her hand to the man gawking at her.
No he certainly did not.
“Gabe likes to mess with us,” he said softly, still staring at her. She wasn’t dressed as the sheriff at all. In fact, she was in jeans and cowboy boots. A fitted plaid shirt was tucked into the jeans and rolled up at the sleeves. Her gun and badge sat seductively at her hip, and a wicked smile was on her lips. He realized she was still holding out her hand, and he took it quickly as a little jolt of awareness rushed through him. Here stood the woman from his dreams in flesh and blood. Fate had a funny way of knocking you back and getting your attention, and he was fully aware now.
Fate had just become his new best friend.
Elizabeth could only hope she didn’t look like an idiot. When the agents entered the room, she suddenly felt very warm indeed. This man was amazing, and she suddenly couldn’t help but stare at him. This was going to be a long assignment, if this was her liaison to the FBI. Holy shit, he was sexy as sin. Tall, dark and handsome didn’t cover it at all. When this was over, Gabe was a dead man.
“I’m sorry, Sheriff,” said Lily, shaking her hand next. “Gabe literally threw us on a plane, and we didn’t get vetted properly.” There was chilliness in her voice,
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