Jack’s arm went numb shortly after Silver cried herself to sleep. Trapped beneath her shoulders, he couldn’t feel it. Holding her while she fell asleep didn’t seem like such a great idea now. He inched his way to the edge of the mattress, trying not to disturb her. She looked incredibly peaceful. He wanted to follow her to the land of dreams. Maybe she was already waiting for him in the woods. Unfortunately, his brain was on a fast track to nowhere. A long train of thoughts sped through his mind. He was worried about Silver, stunned by Andrew’s death, angry at Blanca, and concerned Ian would try to kill him or Billy in the near future.
He extricated his arm by slow inches. Silver stirred and mumbled in her sleep. He froze. When her eyes didn’t open, he continued on. It took several minutes to completely free himself. Sensation returned to his arm in painful increments, pins and needles. He bit his lower lip. Opening and closing his hand several times, he restored feeling and resolved the pain.
Fully clothed except for his shoes, he got out of bed. He took a last look at Silver before shutting the door behind him. Hopefully, she wouldn’t wake before he returned. It occurred to him that maybe he should leave her a note, but he didn’t have a piece of paper or a pen handy. Looking for one might make enough noise to wake her.
Jack went upstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water and found Vanessa sitting at the table. Her bloodshot eyes found him over the coffee cup’s rim before he could reverse direction. She gestured for him to take a seat across from her. Now he was in trouble.
Once he complied, she said, “I’m glad Silver has you to lean on. It’s important to have someone you can trust in a time like this.”
Her nonchalant attitude puzzled him, so he asked, “Are you okay?”
“Not really. But I will be. Don’t worry about me. Just help my daughter get through this. That’s all I ask.”
He reached across the table, covered her hand with his own. “I’m really sorry about Andrew. I meant to tell you earlier. There didn’t seem to be a good time to say it.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” She shivered and wrapped her sweater tighter around her shoulders. Fresh tears appeared. Jack was getting used to the sight. She said, “I was raised in a family of hunters, but Andrew had a normal life… until he met me. My dad always said Andrew took to hunting like a duck takes to water. Andrew was an old-fashioned man, strong and protective of his family. When Silver was born and he held the necklace over her head, you should have seen the pride in his eyes. His daughter was special. She was going to save the world.
“Of course, he was also scared out of his mind for her. He never allowed her to hunt alone. As the battle with Jersey drew closer, Andrew grew desperate. He told me he was willing to do anything to save her from her destiny. That’s why he took so many chances. Now he’s gone, before the final battle, and I have to face whatever happens on my own.”
“No, you don’t. Ian and I will be there for you.”
Vanessa reached for his hand this time and grasped it firmly. “I want you to do whatever you have to do to keep Silver from fighting Jersey Clifford. You destroy him. Promise me you will protect my daughter no matter what it costs you.”
“I promise.”
She returned her hands to the warm cup of coffee, satisfied. Jack would do anything to save Silver. Her mother had to know that. He would kill Jersey by himself if possible, if he could find the magic rock in time and use it against the head werewolf. Otherwise, Silver wouldn’t have a choice.
“What about my parents?” he asked. “How did they get involved in hunting?”
“I have no idea, honey. You would have to ask Ian. He
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