Rough Ride

Read Online Rough Ride by Keri Ford - Free Book Online

Book: Rough Ride by Keri Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keri Ford
Tags: Erótica, Romance
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eighth pie since the other night. Tonya insisted I bring you one, since I got on the whole baking pies kick because of you.”
    Tonya? He would never understand women. “Sure. Thanks.”
    She lifted the pie out higher. “So here.”
    He stared at the pie, determining how well his towel would hold up if he let go and risked holding it with one hand. “Um.”
    She frowned and stared at the perfectly crispy, sugary top. “Is there a problem?”
    “No, I just…give me a sec.” He fumbled with the skinny ass towel, trying to get it in one hand. Damn it, he was standing in his doorway, wrapped in a towel in the middle of a trailer park with a hard-on.
    She angled the pie aside and stared toward his hands wrestling with the thin towel. “Are you too big for your towel?”
    Christ. Hell yes, right now, definitely yes. He wadded the ends in one hand. “There. Now I’ve got it.”
    She shook her head and stepped in. “Let me just put it on the counter for you. It takes over an hour for one of these to bake. Would be a waste if you dropped it to hide your man bits.”
    “My man bits?”
    She sat the pie on the corner, her back to him. “Yes. Your…man bits. And the pie is still a little warm. Would be a shame if it splattered down the front of you.”
    There was no missing the laughter in her voice. “And on my man bits.”
    She faced back to him, her hands going behind her back, her blue eyes large and blinking in that innocent girl way. “That too. And I don’t like pecan pie, remember?”
    His mouth fell open. There was no operation on his jaw to pull it back shut or make words since it was open.
    She swallowed and walked past. “Anyway, I’ll see you later.”
    “You’re welcome to stay.” And then maybe his brother wouldn’t, but he didn’t need Gretchen here either. Fuck.
    She smiled. “Thanks, but I have plans with Flora and Tonya at the diner. I was just swinging that by real quick so it’d still be warm when you got it. Tonya says they’re better warm.”
    Tonya again. “She’s right. Thanks. And tell Tonya…I said thanks.”
    “You bet.” She turned and headed out the door, passing his brother as he came inside.
    Trent shut the door behind him and winced. “Damn dude, that was painful. You’re an embarrassment to the Iverson name.”
    “Piss off.” He started toward his bedroom, but knowing his oldest brother, he grabbed his pie and took it with him.
    “Asshole, make sure you don’t get any crumbs on your man bits. Remember, she doesn’t like pecan.”
    “Shut up.” He kicked his bedroom door closed, sat the pie down and then crashed on his bed for a minute. The heavy sugar and toasted pecan scent filled his room and left his stomach rumbling. Thing was, he wasn’t sure if it was for the pie or her. He hadn’t been expecting her and then she was just there and staring at him. And then she was gone. Like the other day. Kissed hot and heavy and then she left. He scrubbed over his face with his hands and dressed.
    He came out of his room and found his brother sitting on his kitchen counter, drinking one of his cokes. “Ready?”
    “For what?”
    “To go to the diner.”
    Lane blinked. “I’m not going to the diner.”
    “Why not? Your woman’s going to be there.”
    “She’s not my woman.”
    Trent’s brows pumped. “She wants to be.”
    He grabbed a coke from the ‘fridge. “But she’s not going to be.”
    Trent slid off the counter. “Come on cranky ass. Let’s go.”
    “I said I don’t want to.”
    “Quit being a pussy and get your damn shoes on.”
    “Why do you care?”
    “Because you’re pathetic.”
    “I don’t want her.”
    Trent shook his head. “Liar, besides, I told Jacob I’d go to the diner and I don’t want to sit there watching him make moony eyes at Flora all night.”
    Lane’s brow lifted. “Flora?”
    “Don’t act like you don’t know, now come on.”
    All right, so he’d noticed his brother panting over Grant’s plumber.

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