George, how’s things?”
He nodded taking in his sister and the files on the table. She was working again. “Good! Same old! Mom is worried about the bodies they found, but I told her you’re on the case, so no worries.”
Elizabeth patted his hand; she genuinely liked her half-brother, but her step-mother not so much. Once her father remarried , she remembered the fights between her dad and the woman, and it still bothered her. “When you see Abigail, tell her I send my regards.”
George nodded, gave her that good ol ’ boy smile, and pushed away from the table. “Will do E.L. I’ll have Beatrice get you some more coffee.”
When he was gone, Elizabeth sat and observed the regulars in ‘The Barrel’ . Horace was at the counter; Beatrice was working the bar, serving coffee and filling creamers, and then there was the spattering of older men who hung out there to gossip.
Part of her was rattled that one of her citizens was the killer. When the bells over the door chimed, she was pulled back to reality and couldn’t help but smile. Here came her deputy, and surprise surprise, he was looking for her. When she raised her hand, he nodded and joined her at the table.
“You weren’t at your house this morning,” h e said, grabbing her coffee and stealing a sip.
Apparently, they had no boundaries with their friendship. “You do realize that I live clear on the other side of the county from you , right?”
“I’m aware,” he grinned, wickedly.
“I’m meeting with a few people this morning.”
Elizabeth just smiled. She knew he wasn’t just here coincidentally. Tony had gotten the gossip from Martha, she was sure. He was dressed impeccably in his sheriff deputy garb, shaved and looked, or tried to look imposing. “Are you wearing cologne?”
“I ’m glad you noticed,” he winked, flirting with her.
Elizabeth changed the subject, back to the reason he was here. “Martha told you, didn’t she?”
He blushed and looked guilty. “No, I heard her calling the FBI to confirm the files made it, and she gave them instructions to meet you here. I tried to get it out of her, but she was tight lipped.”
“So then aren’t you supposed to be out patrolling?”
Tony leaned forward and whispered in her ear and he noticed she smelled great too. “I’m just getting a coffee, and I’ll be on my way,” he tipped his hat at her, and she laughed.
If there was one thing Tony was, it was entertaining. Not an iota of his charm worked on her, but he kept on trying and she had to give him credit. As for the flirting, she just ignored it, refusing to lead the man on.
“Yes ma’am,” he retorted.
Tony perched at the counter, taking a seat as he waited for his coffee; he teased Beatrice and turned on the charm. He was trying to stall as long as he could to see what the FBI was going to send them, and of course if there would be any female agents.
Outside the quiet bar, the black SUV pulled to a stop. Lily was driving, only because it took her mind off how irritated she still was with her partner. “This is where the sheriff wants to meet us?” she asked, rolling her eyes. “I told you, fat, sweaty man who is most likely a drunk.”
“ These are the correct GPS instructions. I’m guessing not much is open at six thirty in the morning here,” Ethan said, grabbing all his files and opening the SUV door. “Lily, try and wipe the scowl off your face. This Sheriff LaRue is Gabe’s friend. He already warned us to behave, or who knows where we’ll be shipped next. The fact the ‘ Dragon Slayer ’ has a friend is a miracle, let’s not be the ones responsible for jacking that up.”
“One derogatory female comment and I’m knocking him on his fat ass just to enjoy it.”
Blackhawk hoped she was kidding . “Let’s go.”
Once the doors opened, it was just like every movie he had ever seen. Two strangers walk into a place in a town and time stops
Tasha Temple
Carla Krae
Davis Bunn
Derek Robinson
Linda Winstead Jones
EJ Nesbeth
Jay Bell
Peter Meredith
Susane Colasanti
Ann Cook