She could hear their voices. That meant they were close to her. Too close. She had to move fast. Picking up the speed, she darted through the dark hallway. It was damn hard to run without being heard. If they knew how close she was , she’d be in the kind of trouble she tried to stay out of.
The plans for the building were going through her mind. Little did she know when she studied them that it would end up saving her life. She twisted around the first corner. If her memory served her correctly there would be another turn before her destination.
She thought it funny that, even as she was damn near running, it seemed as though everything was moving in slow motion. What was probably only minutes felt like it was taking hours. She guessed that’s what happened when you had a gang of bikers trying to kill you.
Not long after the second twist in the hallway, she found exactly what she’d been looking for. A wall of shelves, lined end to end and top to bottom with old books. She couldn’t help but wonder if any of them were valuable, and with a grin debated on coming back another time to check them out. Preferably when she wasn’t running for her life.
For now, she had to stick to the current plan. Which meant finding the book that would make this wall spin and let her into the hidden escape route. Got to love these old plantation homes. They were prepared for things they didn’t even know would happen.
She was two rows of books in, frustrated and wondering if this idea was futile as the voices grew closer, when she pulled out a book about the Underground Railroad from the slave days.
The wall slid open slightly and she climbed in behind it, but the irony of the choice was not lost on her. She pushed the wall back into place and took off running down the corridor in front of her. According to what she’d read, there was a long tunnel and then an exit that would allow her to escape freely off the property.
“What the hell? Where did she go?”
Jake had known that Logan wouldn’t be happy when he went back to tell his friend he’d lost the girl. His only job had been to catch her and bring her back for the guys to handle. He kicked his toe against the ground and looked across the expansive property. Must be nice to have the kind of money a place like this cost.
Then again, maybe not. He may have been lucky to pocket fifty bucks at any given time, but he had his freedom and his friends and he was happy. He bet whoever owned this place didn’t have any of that.
“Man, I wish I knew. It’s like she fucking vanished.” Jake walked over to his bike. “Fuck it. Let’s go grab a beer and get back on the road.” He swung his leg over the bike and sat down, preparing to start it up and take off.
“We won’t be leaving this place yet. We’ve gotta find that girl.” Logan lifted his leg and climbed onto his own bike.
Jake wondered what was so important about this chick. He wasn’t sure, but if Logan was caught up in it, then it had to be important. He sure wasn’t gonna argue with the man. Logan was his brother. His friend. They all were.
The Dixon Crew. They’d taken him in when he had no one. He wouldn’t turn his back on them now. Even if it seemed silly to waste so much time chasing a chick that obviously was smart enough to make it hard. He’d do what Logan wanted. He owed them. They both started the bikes and headed back into town to meet up with the guys. Apparently they had some plans to make.
Jake just wanted a cold beer. This town was hotter than the pits of hell.
Allison couldn’t help but think of how backwards and pathetic this entire town was. A far cry from where she’d grown up. Not that she really lived there anymore. Still, this place was like stepping backwards in history. And not to the good parts. She wouldn’t have been the least bit surprised if she’d seen separate drinking
Felice Picano
Caitlin Rother
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