The Hunt for Four Brothers

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Book: The Hunt for Four Brothers by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
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    â€œHey, maybe he’s in the military,” Chet remarked.
    â€œThanks, Chet,” Joe said politely. “I think that’s where Frank was headed with that.”
    â€œDid you tell Mrs. Gregory about the huskies?” Frank asked.
    â€œYeah, when I described them, she said they sounded exactly like the ‘wolf’ she saw in her cottage,” Chet replied.
    â€œGood work, Chet,” Frank told their friend.
    â€œThanks. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” Chet said, groaning as he pulled himself to his feet. “I have five minutes to eat.”
    â€œI think we ought to eat lunch on the run, Joe, to pay a visit to Gus Jons before I have to go to work,” Frank suggested.
    â€œA visit?” Joe asked.
    â€œTo ask about his meeting in the lobby last night and about his exciting trip in Russia,” Frank said, clarifying.
    â€œYou really think he’ll tell us the truth?” Joe asked.
    â€œNot if he’s involved,” Frank said, “but I think we could learn a lot, even from his lies.”
    After buying two sandwiches from the canteen, they drove to Gus Jons’s cabin.
    Joe parked and sounded the horn. “I don’t want to be mistaken for a thief again,” he told Frank.
    As they approached the cabin, Frank saw that the main door was shut and the pickup truck was nowhere to be seen. “We may be out of luck, Joe.”
    Frank knocked on the door. Inside the cabin, a dog started barking.
    â€œWell, his Doberman is home,” Joe joked.
    Frank waited awhile, then called, “Mr. Jons?”
    More barking, but no Gus Jons. The curtains were drawn over the windows so that the boys couldn’t see in.
    â€œHold it, Frank,” Joe said, holding very still and listening to the barking. “I hear two dogs.”
    â€œYou’re right, Joe,” Frank said. “Either Jons has a second dog or we were right about those big pet carriers you saw. Jons may have some canine visitors from Siberia.”
    â€œWhy would he bring them all the way from Russia?” Joe said. “And why use them to snoop around Konawa?”
    â€œMaybe they’re like those police dogs that can sniff out explosives,” Frank guessed. “Only they’re specially trained to track down Russian soap.”
    â€œIf we can connect Jons to the huskies who attacked us at the asylum and were used in the break-in at Mrs. Gregory’s, Mr. Craven is going to have to start believing us,” Joe suggested.
    â€œLet’s go get him,” Frank agreed.
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    The Hardys pulled up to Jim Craven’s office and were surprised to see a brown pickup truck parked outside.
    â€œThat’s Gus Jons’s truck!” Joe exclaimed.
    Frank peeked into the cab of the pickup. The Doberman pinscher jumped at him, barking through the opening in the window. “Well, now weknow we didn’t hear Jons’s dog at his cabin,” he remarked to Joe.
    Craven stepped out of his office, shaking hands with Gus Jons. “I’m glad that’s all settled,” Craven said, smiling.
    â€œHello, Mr. Jons,” Joe said, stepping up to the two adults. “We were just at your house.”
    â€œOh?” Jons said, smiling innocently.
    â€œWe tracked down that shipment of yours from Russia,” Frank informed him.
    â€œThe soap,” Craven cut in. “Yes, we’ve discussed it.
    â€œI hear that it got scattered to the four corners of Konawa,” Jons said, chuckling.
    â€œMr. Jons has been gracious enough to accept a fifty-dollar check to reimburse him for the cost of the package,” Craven said, smiling at the Hardys but warning them with his eyes.
    â€œWell, it’s really the mailman’s fault, not yours,” Jons said, smiling.
    Frank and Joe looked at each other, puzzled. Jons put on his cap. “Well, if you’ll excuse me.”
    â€œWe studied Kiev

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