Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

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Book: Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
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some fresh water; you see if you can get him to swallow a couple drops of the drinking water. I shall be back soon. And do not worry; we shall keep a close watch on Andrew.” He left the cabin and Emily turned to her task.
    Sitting beside his bed, she looked down at Jonathon’s flushed, sweaty face. His dark hair clung to his head, and his lips moved in an inaudible litany. His fingers plucked at the sheets, and he turned his head from side to side.
    Pouring a little water into a cup, Emily reached beneath Jonathon’s head and propped it against her arm. She held the cup to his lips and, though much of it dribbled down his chin, she thought some of it went into his mouth. Gently easing his head down, she withdrew her arm. Finding a clean cloth, she wiped his brow, his cheeks, and his neck, and wrung it out again and placed it on his forehead. Her tender care seemed to have a calming effect. Mr. Gates returned with fresh water and some food for Emily.
    “Your presence seems to have made a difference already, Miss Wentworth,” he commented.
    Emily continued her routine throughout the day. She began talking gently about anything that came to mind, for the sound of her voice seemed to calm Jonathon, too. Emily was surprised when someone came in to light the lantern and bring her food. She had been so involved in tending Jonathon that she had not noticed the sun slipping into the arms of the sea.
    Jonathon had quieted considerably and at times even appeared to sleep comfortably. When his inaudible ravings began, Emily talked to him in gentle, soothing tones, as to a frightened child. Once she caught herself holding his strong, lean hand. Another time she bent close to his ear and stroked his forehead. She studied his face as he slept and was struck by his incredible handsomeness. Dark eyebrows arched over deep, brown eyes, which, although closed now, were etched in Emily’s memory. High cheekbones framed a straight, aquiline nose, and his soft lips hid straight, white teeth. Emily stared at his lips, now parched and dry, and remembered the feel of them against her own. She was overcome with an urge to bend down and press her lips against his once again. Before she knew what was happening, she realized she had leaned over him. Pausing, she looked at his face then gently brushed her lips against his. Drawing away she felt embarrassed, as though she had taken advantage of him.
    “I am a wanton woman,” she thought, for she had longed for responding lips to answer, for arms to encircle her and draw her down to him. She felt an unfamiliar longing, an ache she did not comprehend. She stared at Jonathon.
    “What madness have you brought upon me?” she whispered.
    One of the crew relieved her for the night and before she went for her nightly stroll, she looked in on Andrew. She was surprised to find him awake and felt guilty when she realized she had not inquired about him all day.
    “How are you feeling, Andrew?” she asked.
    “Oh, I shall be back on deck in no time,” he smiled wanly.
    “Not if you value your life, for I will see you shot at sunrise!” his sister scolded. “You rest now, Drew. I shall be back in the morning.”
    “I hear you are tending Jonathon,” he smiled, but his voice betrayed his weakness.
    “Mr. Gates said I was needed more there than with this reckless boy who got what he deserved,” she teased sternly. Bending over, she kissed his forehead. “Thank God you are all right,” she whispered. Andrew closed his eyes and slept.
    Emily set out for a short stroll on deck, but realizing how tired she was, went below to prepare for bed.
    • • •
    Emily continued her routine with Jonathon the next day. His ramblings were not so frequent, and his color seemed improved. Mr. Gates came in often and encouraged her assistance. That afternoon Jonathon’s fever broke, and he fell into a deep, uninterrupted sleep. Mr. Gates’s face showed immense relief, and he credited Emily’s care for the quick

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