Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01]

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Book: Elizabeth Meyette - [Love's 01] by Love's Destiny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Love's Destiny
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    “I could not have run this ship and given the Captain such careful attention, Miss Wentworth,” he explained. “You may have just repaid him for your brother’s life.”
    “I am glad I could help, Mr. Gates,” she replied sincerely. “Shall I continue as before?”
    “No, you may go to your brother now. I shall have the men look in on Captain Brentwood when I am not with him.”
    “As you wish,” she replied, strangely disappointed.
    Andrew looked much stronger and was happy to see Emily.
    “How is Jonathon?” he asked.
    “The fever has broken and he is resting quietly. Mr. Gates says he is past the most dangerous point now. His hand seems to be healing well, also,” Emily answered.
    “Em, why do you dislike Jonathon?” Andrew asked.
    “It is not that I dislike him, Drew, it is just that … well, he was thrust upon us at such an awful time. Perhaps I connect him with Father’s death somehow. And he holds everything we own — we shall always have to answer to him. We do not need a guardian, and I resent having one. He tries to take Father’s place. And he thinks I am a child,” she finished lamely.
    Andrew looked at her strangely. “Em, he was not thrust upon us; we were thrust upon him. And he had nothing to do with Father’s death. If anything, Father knew he could rest easily because Jonathon would care for us. Perhaps we do not need a guardian, but I do not think Jonathon proposes to take Father’s place. And, Emily, I have seen the way Jonathon looks at you. He does not think you are a child.” Andrew had countered her every argument.
    Emily blushed at his last sentence, realizing its truth. He certainly had not kissed her in a fatherly fashion. Looking at her brother, she appreciated once again his astuteness.
    “Well, then, I do not know why I dislike him. I just know that he always laughs at me,” she said defensively.
    “He does not laugh at you, Em. It is just that you take everything so seriously; he sees the humor in things.”
    “Well I see nothing humorous about being snatched from our homeland, whisked onto a ship, and sailed across an ocean to be deposited in a foreign land. And we do not have any say in the matter,” she fumed.
    “Well, you could have married Michael and his mother,” Andrew teased mischievously. He might have gone too far, but Emily needed perspective. He watched her face soften from a glower to an equally mischievous grin.
    “One must know one’s place in the company of one’s elders. Children should be seen and not heard,” she mimicked Mrs. Dennings perfectly. Both of them broke into laughter. Emily realized that Andrew was right. It could always be worse.
    They chatted through supper and Emily took her evening walk before retiring. On the way to her cabin, she paused at Jonathon’s door.
    “Captain Brentwood is greatly improved this evening, Miss Wentworth,” Mr. Gates spoke from behind her. He carried a cup of broth. “I have some business to attend on deck; could I impose on you to assist him in taking some nourishment?”
    Before Emily could refuse, he pushed the cup into her hand and, touching his cap, turned on his heel and left. Butterflies invaded Emily’s stomach as her hand reached for the latch. Quietly she entered and saw Jonathon sleeping peacefully. She tiptoed to his bed and watched for a moment to make sure he was asleep. Gently she felt his forehead and was relieved to find it cool and dry. She then sat beside him unsure of what to do. Since he was resting so comfortably, she hated to disturb him. Yet it was important he get some nourishment. She watched the steady rise and fall of his chest and was impressed again by the wide shoulders and well developed muscles. Feeling eyes upon her, she returned her gaze to his face and found Jonathon studying her. She was surprised at how drawn he looked and realized fully for the first time how near death he had been.
    “Mr. Gates asked me to bring you some broth,” she said

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