Family Man

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Book: Family Man by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
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palm. “I won't let you grovel and plead with him, Justine. I will not let you humble yourself like this. He has no right to set such outrageous terms.”
    Luke smiled dangerously. “Better save the noble outrage, Katy. You've only heard my first condition. There's another.”
    Katy scowled furiously at him. “What's your second condition?”
    “I want you as my personal assistant. You'll work for me instead of Justine.”
    Katy recoiled in shock. “Out of the question.”
    Luke shrugged. “I'm going to need someone who can provide continuity and act as a liaison with both management and the family. You're perfect for the job.”
    “How do you know?” Katy retorted.
    “Justine assures me you know almost as much about the inner workings of Gilchrist, Inc. as she does. She also says you have an intuitive understanding of most of the people who work at the management level. On top of that, you're practically a member of the family. I'm going to need that kind of inside knowledge.”
    Katy staggered to her feet, dazed. In her mind's eye she saw all her private plans going up in smoke once more. She had been so close, she thought. Almost free. She swallowed, trying to find her voice. “Justine, are you just going to hand me over to him like this?”
    Justine's brows rose. “It's not an unreasonable request, my dear. But the choice is yours. I won't insist.”
    “Think about it,” Luke advised, his gaze amused. “Take your time. I have some details to discuss with Justine. I'll stop by your office in an hour or so and get your decision then.”
    Katy eyed him warily. She knew Justine was agreeing to Luke's conditions because she hoped that once on board at Gilchrist, Inc. he could be persuaded to stay. It was a possibility, Katy conceded. A remote one, but still a possibility. After all, he was here at last, which was a major step forward.
    Katy thought quickly. Persuading Luke to stay and take on the job of saving Gilchrist, Inc. was her best hope of early escape.
    “There's no need to wait for my decision,” she said coolly. “I'll stay on with the company.”
    It was Luke's turn to smile slowly in triumph. “Excellent.”
    “For a limited period of time,” Katy added calmly.
    Luke quirked a brow. “How limited?”
    Katy took a stab in the dark. “Three months.”
    Luke considered that. “I don't know if I'll have Gilchrist under control in three months. The job may take longer. No, I'm afraid I can't accept any limitations on your commitment. I need to know I can count on you for as long as it's necessary to do so.”
    “All right, four months,” Katy said quickly.
    “Done,” Luke said a little too easily.
    Katy gritted her teeth. She was sure he would have settled for less if she had bargained more cautiously. “You certainly live up to your reputation, Mr. Gilchrist.”
    “Call me Luke. After all, we're going to be working closely together. Tell me, Katy, do you always make major career decisions without taking time to think them through?”
    Katy felt her face growing warm. “That was hardly a major decision. It was blackmail. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do.”
    Without waiting for a reply Katy swung around on her heel and walked swiftly out of the room.
    Mrs. Igorson was waiting in the hall. The housekeeper gave her a knowing look. “Lives up to his nickname, don't he?”
    “Yes, he does,” Katy muttered.
    Bastard .
    Then her natural optimism set in and Katy brightened. Six months was not all that bad, she consoled herself. It was not great, but she could survive it. She could spend the time researching locations and recipes for the small take-out business she intended to open.
    At least now she had a definite release date.
    Katy could hardly wait to mark her calendar so that she could start counting down the days to freedom.


    A charged silence filled the living room after the door closed behind Katy. Luke was aware of a curious sense of

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