Family Man

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Book: Family Man by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
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don't even see them. I know. I've been that way most of my life.” She paused. “Katy sees them, you know.”
    “People who deal in shades of gray get bogged down in sentiment and indecisiveness.”
    “Oh, my,” Justine murmured. “It's going to be interesting watching you and Katy interact.”
    Luke shrugged. “Katy and I will get along just fine so long as she remembers I'm the boss. In the meantime, you and I don't talk about the past. Agreed?”
    “Agreed.” Justine put down her teacup. “I'm too grateful to have you here at last to risk arguing with you. I must say, however, that I find it ironic that it's Richard Quinnell's granddaughter who has achieved the impossible by getting you here.”
    Luke narrowed his eyes. “You think I'm here because of Katy?”
    “Aren't you?”
    Damned if he was going to admit anything to the old witch. The truth was, he was not altogether sure why he had come to Dragon Bay. “I'm here because the Pacific Rim restaurant is a ripe plum. As a businessman, I can't bring myself to pass up such easy pickings.” It was partially true. He certainly intended to take the restaurant when this was over.
    “Katy Wade is a ripe plum, too,” Justine said quietly. “I think you should know that she's been living an almost cloistered existence for the past several years.”
    Luke smiled grimly. “That figures. It goes with the wings and halo.”
    “It's because of her brother,” Justine said coolly. “The fact that she comes with a teenager as part of the package has put off most males. Her social life has been far too limited for a young woman of her age.”
    Luke studied the fog. “My social life has been a little limited lately, too. Just what the hell are you trying to say, Justine?”
    “Her brother will graduate from high school in another month. Then he'll be off to college, and Katy will be on her own for the first time in her life. She has a right to make up for some of what she's missed out on during the past few years, and I believe she intends to do so.”
    Luke hesitated. “She said something about business plans she wants to pursue.”
    “Yes. She yearns to open her own small business. A rather naïve dream, I admit. I am, however, encouraging her to sample some of the other aspects of the freedom she has hungered for in recent years.”
    Luke arched one brow. “You think she should rush out and have a few passionate affairs?”
    Justine inclined her head. “Don't be crude. Perhaps one or two interesting relationships, yes. I would like her to experience some genuine passion in her life. She is, after all, an attractive young woman. I fear, however, that because she has had to postpone so much for so long, she is rather more vulnerable than other, more experienced young women are at her age. I do not want her hurt.”
    Luke looked at Justine. “Are you warning me off, by any chance?”
    “Yes, I suppose I am.” Justine's gaze was unreadable. “There was a man a year ago. Nate Atwood. He was dating Katy when he met Eden. He dropped Katy to marry my granddaughter.”
    “Atwood is the name of the man Eden divorced six months ago?”
    “Yes.” Justine pursed her lips in fierce disapproval. “I fear he used Katy to get close to the family. His real goal was Eden. He wanted to marry a Gilchrist, you see. Thought he could worm his way into a position of control at Gilchrist, Inc. He is no longer a problem, but I do not want to see Katy hurt again.”
    “I'll keep that in mind. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go upstairs and start letting everyone know who's running Gilchrist, Inc. these days.”
    Justine sat forward with sudden urgency. “Luke.”
    “I am not entirely certain why you have come here. But I want you to know I am grateful.”
    “Maybe you'd better wait and see how it all works out before you decide whether or not to be grateful.”
    Justine eyed him closely. “I think it is you who isn't certain how it's going to work out. By

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