Obeying the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance

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Book: Obeying the Russian Mafia Boss: A Mob Romance by Bella Rose, Leona Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose, Leona Lee
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this house?
    Too many questions. Not enough answers. Grumbling to herself, she shucked off her pajamas and slid on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. She’d lost weight over the past few months, and her shirt hung on her like a bag. Scowling at her reflection, she pulled at the shirt. It was hardly sexy.
    “You’re not supposed to look sexy for your boss,” she muttered to herself. “You’re just here to do a job.”
    Who was she kidding? Her body was on fire for him. Even now, as she stared at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help but imagine him standing behind her. He would meet her gaze and wrap one arm around her while the other one would grip her hips. His hard body would press up against her softness, and his hand would slowly slide down towards her aching pussy.
    Gasping, she stumbled away from the mirror and tried to clear her head. It wasn’t okay for her to think like that. He was her employer, and there was no way that he would look at her like that. He was a rich businessman who could have his choice in women, and she was just a charity case.
    At eight o’clock sharp, she ventured out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchens. There were several staff members already sitting at the tables. Most of them looked older than her, and they were all speaking to each other in Russian. When she walked in, conversation ceased, and everyone stared at her.
    “Hi,” she said awkwardly. “I’m Ella. I’m the new maid.”
    When nobody said anything at first, she assumed that no one spoke English, but one of the women broke into a big smile. “We heard that there was a new girl, but we thought that Mr. Chesnovak was keeping you hidden away,” she said in heavily-accented English. “I’m Dina. I’m the other maid. This is Zoya. She’s one of the cooks, so make sure you stay on her good side. This is Nestor and Oleg. They’re handymen and work on the lawn. Don’t worry if they don’t talk much to you. Their English isn’t very good.”
    “I guess that means I’ll have to work on my Russian,” she said with a smile.
    The men watched her curiously, but the older woman appraised her coolly. Ella wasn’t sure if that was because she was new or because she was American. Then again, Erik had said that his chef was particular.
    “Food is on the counter. Grab a plate and help yourself.” Dina returned the smile, and Ella felt a little better. At least one person on the staff was going to be nice to her.
    Ella discovered she was hungrier than expected and filled her plate. The conversation at the table started again, and all eyes were on her. It was obvious from the expressions on their face that they were talking about her.
    “They’re not trying to be rude. It’s unusual for Mr. Chesnovak to hire someone new, let alone someone foreign.” Dina said something sharply to them in Russian, and they grew quiet.
    “Oh no, that’s okay. I’m new. People are supposed to talk about the new person. How long have you worked for him?” she asked curiously.
    “My mother worked for him and his father pretty much all her life, so I grew up in the household. When Mr. Chesnovak relocated, he asked me to come with him. Zoya, Nestor, and Oleg have been with him for as long as I can remember.”
    “How long have you been in California?”
    “A little more than a year. I’m in love with the beach. Mr. Chesnovak keeps threatening to send me back to Russia if I don’t stop sneaking off to lay out in the sun. I honestly didn’t even know that my skin could tan. Have you lived here all your life?”
    “I have. I guess I take it for granted,” Ella murmured. She poked at the meat in her eggs and frowned.
    Dina laughed at her expression. “It’s Kielbasa or sausage. You don’t mix your meat and eggs?”
    “We do, but it’s usually scrambled eggs or an omelet. I’ve never seen it with fried eggs.” She took a bite and nodded her head. “It’s good.”
    “Syrniki is my favorite, but Zoya doesn’t make

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