The Heaven I Found In Hell

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Book: The Heaven I Found In Hell by Ashley Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Andrews
blah, blah, blah…? A-hole.
    "Well F-Y-I…next time you want to be a good friend just let me kiss who I want to kiss…" I said, disdainfully. "Don't tell one of your friends to pull me out, okay?"
    I stood up from the floor, which I sat on, and wanted to leave, but he got a hold of my hand. He tried to pull me down, and when I didn't budge, he stood up, before he rested his hands on my shoulder.
    "Alex, you can't just kiss and leave, you know. People have feelings."
    "Well, this is what I call having fun, and if ever someone got hurt, it's his fault because he returned the kiss. It's his problem if he took it as something more than a hook-up."
    Nathan exhaled for the millionth time ever since our 'talk' started. He started to move in his place, and now, he couldn't look me in the eye. Why was he caring so much? We've only known each other for a week?
    "Are you never going to take anything, aside from your career, seriously?"
    He let go of his hands on my shoulders, as he let them fall lethargically beside his waist. The warmth I felt was now gone, and I was sort of missing his touch, or anyone's touch.
    I contemplated his question, but not very thoughtfully. "My answer's no, especially when it comes to dating…"
    He looked up from the floor, and once again focused his hazel-green eyes on me. I knew he wanted ask why, but he didn't want to come out as desperate or too meddlesome, so I just told him my reasonable and non-debatable answer, non-debatable according to me.
    "Of course you know I travel a lot…?"
    He nodded.
    "I don't believe in long-distance relationships, and I don't want to be with a guy a million miles away from me, while I'm in Paris, in a club, sipping cocktails with my girl friends, while we're surrounded by gorgeous models, actors, and heirs to million-dollar or even billion-dollar fortunes."
    I knew he understood what I was trying to say since he had that thoughtful look on his face. I nodded to myself, and continued.
    "I'm not being apathetic, insensitive, or ignorant of other people's feelings…I just don't want to keep myself, and the guy I'm dating hoping…hoping that it's going to work…because it won't."
    "Have you ever tried to make it work?" It was the first time he talked since I started my explanation.
    "What's the use of trying if I know it's not going to end in a Happily Ever After…"
    "You're such a pessimist."
    He didn't smile when he called me that, and I felt my insides flip. How can one kiss…okay, fine…it wasn't just a one-second peck…but still, how can a twenty-minute make-out session end up with two people reasoning out and defending each other's thinking? And besides, I wasn't used to serious Nathan…it was scary…
    "Nathan, don't tell me to try…" I said. "Because once I get out of Ridgeway I'm back to my old life…I'll be partying, I'll be rounding the globe meeting hundreds of new people. I'll be modeling. I'll be drinking. I'll be kissing, okay? And no one's going to pull me out…"
    "You're not going to change are you? You're just going to be breaking hearts and such, right?" He asked, as he looked repeatedly from the floor to me.
    I swear, why was he thinking so hard?
    "I'm not changing just because I got sent to boarding school." I told him in all honesty. "And yes, if you want to put it that way, I'll be breaking hearts."
    He nodded, opened the bathroom door, and left me to replay in my head the quick events that had taken place.
    The night ended with me getting extremely drunk, riding with Blake in his Lamborghini, and sleeping with him.
    I knew this was going to make Cindy hate me more, but I was drunk as hell, and Blake wasn't like Anthony, nor was he like Nathan. Blake wasn't going to stop, and tell me, "Hey, but I think this is wrong. You won't remember this the next day, so why should we? And I think you're going to regret it blah, blah, blah." I'd be

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