The Heaven I Found In Hell

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Book: The Heaven I Found In Hell by Ashley Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Andrews
really had nothing to brag about except for their wealth, which annoyed me. Sorry for being so blunt.
    #9 The magazine article…I had just scanned through it though…
    … Alexandra Levi went to Mixx a few weeks ago…
    … She and a few of her newfound friends from Ridgeway entered the club looking glamorous and ready to party…
    … A source that was inside the club spotted the supermodel making-out madly with an unidentified person…
    … The Victoria's Secret Angel was having a fun time kissing and grinding when she got pulled away by one of her close friends…
    … She left the club along with six other people. The guy Alex made-out with wasn't seen leaving the club with the model…

Chapter 7: Making Deals
    A month passed, and I felt the Halloween Spirit come in full swing. A masquerade ball was to take place on the thirty-first of October, which was only a few weeks away, so here I was in The Harbor, which was a mall a few minutes away from Ridgeway, looking for the perfect costume to go along with my handmade mask.
    While walking around, and eyeing window displays mindlessly, I accidentally knocked someone's shopping bags off from her arm, sending the plastic and cardboard containers to the ground. I picked them up as quickly as I could, and returned them to the owner. I looked up to see Cindy with a surprised look of her own.
    "What are you doing here?" She said, eyeing me from head-to-toe. She got her bags from me, and sent me a look of skepticism.
    "Shopping." I said innocently.
    We were in front of the Roberto Cavalli store, and by the anxiety she wore on her face, I could tell that she wanted to leave me, and enter the shop. I crossed my arms over my chest, and let them stay there.
    "I don't see you carrying anything…" She said, stating the imperceptible. Note the sarcasm, please.
    She looked around, before her eyes rested on me again. I knew she wanted to leave, but I was desperate…for a tutor. I looked at the big Cavalli poster that was displayed at the back of the mannequins, and saw myself posing with some hot model. I remembered the photo shoot. It took place only a couple months ago…and then…a light bulb floating above my head went on.
    "How about we make a deal?"
    She exhaled slightly exasperatedly. "Is this about me tutoring you again?"
    I nodded. "How about…"
    "No, no, and no! You flirted with Blake…"  That was a month ago!  "You were alone with Nathan and Anthony inside the bathroom…"  That too!
    Were we fighting over guys?  I restrained myself from saying those words.  I wanted to pass school…I  needed  to pass it if ever I wanted to model again…stupid parents…no, it was only my mother's choice…
    "How about let's go inside that store right now?" I suggested, pointing to the store we stood in front of. She looked at me thoughtfully, before she raised an eyebrow.
    "What's the deal first?" She said, giving me a suspicious look once again.
    "How about you tutor me and let's go on a shopping spree." I suggested, hoping even for just a simple nod.
    She arched her eyebrow one more time at me. "I can go on a shopping spree without you." She answered, a little bit tactlessly.
    "But can you get up to 40-50 discounts shopping alone?" I asked, with a little smirk starting to form.
    The moment I said 'discount' her eyes widened and her lips started to curve up into a smile, but after a few seconds she pursed them, and I was left to contemplate on what else I could do.
    "I don't need discounts, Alex. I have a credit card, care of my daddy F-Y-I."
    I huffed and I 'hmph-ed'.  What could I do to make this girl tutor me…?
    I was about to mentally kill myself, when she spoke up again. "Although, I could buy more things with your discounts…"
    She scratched her chin, and thought about my offer charily. While waiting for thirty seconds, but what seemed

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