The Heaven I Found In Hell

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Book: The Heaven I Found In Hell by Ashley Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Andrews
dreaming if Blake did that, but he didn't. Instead, he continued, and just continued.
    I woke up wearing an extremely oversized shirt, but with no underwear. I immediately got out of bed, and headed over to the bathroom to fix myself. After doing so, I looked for my lingerie and my dress, and left his room quietly, taking baby steps out of his dorm.
    I sighed.  Thank God his roommate wasn't awake yet.
    I left the dorm room, and quickly made my way back to room W407. I cursed. I had no key. I exhaled, and was left with no other choice but to knock. Thank God I woke up early, considering that I passed out. The hangover hurt, and I wanted to stay in bed, but not in Blake's bed. No way.
    The door opened, and I was greeted by a sleepy Nathan. He rubbed his eyes open, and motioned me to come inside. I nodded at him, smiling a small one, before I went over to my room. I stopped when he opened his mouth and called out my name.
    "Yeah?" I answered, just wanting to go back to sleep, and rid myself of the hangover.
    "Whose shirt are you wearing?" He asked in an apathetic voice. He seemed like he didn't remember anything from last night since he didn't start a sermon, and he looked like he wasn't going to start with one anytime soon.
    Maybe he was drunk when he was reprimanding me, but I doubted that thought immediately. He couldn't have been insightful if he drank a lot.
    "Uh…this is Blake's." I answered, hoping for him to just let it/me go. Thank God, he did.
    "Okay, just tell me if you need anything."
    I nodded at him, and headed to my bedroom. I plopped down on the bed, but before I closed my eyes I checked the clock. 6:00am. I sighed, thankful no one saw me except for Nathan.
    Two weeks after…
    A lot of things had happened the past couple of weeks:
    #1…Riley told me that Cindy was even more jealous because of what happened with Blake and me, which was nothing but lust.
    #2…Because of #1, Cindy still didn't want to tutor me, but she wasn't mad. Or maybe she was, but was just being plastic towards me.
    #3…I told Kendra and Riley what had happened, and they acted like therapists. At first I was slightly annoyed, but after a few days of thinking about it, I thought of the 'counseling' incident as rather amusing.
    #4…Blake thought we were dating because of the 'passionate' moment (as he described it) we shared. I told him it was just a one-night stand, and he started cussing at me since I was the first girl to ever leave him in the dust, until I told him to shut up and that he couldn't do anything about it. After a few days of me giving him the silent treatment, he apologized and things were back to normal. He finally accepted that, that one night was merely nothing.
    #5…I noticed that Anthony had been looking at me for the past two weeks, and it felt weird. I knew he liked someone, but it couldn't be me…could it? It'd be just so wrong, but I'd been catching him trying to look.
    #6…Nathan, after that night, didn't really make a big deal about what had happened. He was placid and cool, and acted like nothing had taken place. We continued with our usual routine of laughing and teasing each other, and I didn't bother to ask if he remembered anything or was just acting. I didn't want another lecture from him.
    #7…I continued getting low grades, but thank God I wasn't failing anymore, I was getting barely-passing grades. It wasn't really great if you compared it to Cindy's or the other's grades, but it was a step up for me.
    #8…I was getting lonely, literally. The guys had soccer, football, and track. Riley and Kendra had soccer and track practices too, while Cindy who was still jealous didn't really enjoy hanging out with me, so she stayed with some other group that I didn't like to mingle with since they were all so full of themselves. Okay…all of them were rich, and some of them were pretty, smart, and all, but a few

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