The Graphic Details
The Graphic Details:
    An Erotic Tale By Design
    By Evelin J. Smiles
    Copyright © 2013 by Evelin J. Smiles
    Smashwords Edition
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    This story is a work of fiction. The names,
characters, places, and situations are either products of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely and
purely coincidental.
    Introducing, Katherine
    My name is Katherine Donahue, and I am your
typical “nerdy” girl. Well, I never saw myself as a nerd, but I was
known as such all throughout high school––I don’t read comics and I
don’t really watch too many movies, but I do read a lot. But my
hair is somewhat messy most of the time and I wear glasses, and in
this society, glasses equals Nerd.
    People call me “Kathy” for short. Very
unoriginal, I know. I wish I had a name that was a little more
awesome. In my own head I refer to myself as “Kat woman.” I dare
not speak that to anyone I know. I blush and shudder in shame
whenever I think of it. But I still like it.
    Anyway, I’ve never been popular with men. I
am “nerdy” after all, and I’ve been told almost half of my life––by
my mother, and my aunties and my girlfriends mostly––that nerdy is
not the most popular flavor of female amongst most males. But
despite my lack of popularity amongst them––and despite what aunt
Betty thinks of my sexuality––I do like men quite a bit, even
though they don’t exactly take to me.
    I did have a boyfriend once back in college,
which wasn’t too far back, but I pursued him in the beginning. Phil
was his name. I always had the feeling that Phil went out with me
out of pity. Don’t get me wrong, he wasn’t exactly the pick of the
litter himself: his hair was as unruly as mine, and he was thin,
bordering on emaciated, and he had horribly blotchy, oily skin. Now
that I think of it, he was pretty ugly actually. But he was nice to
me at a time when boys didn’t give me the time of day. I don’t
exactly know why I think that he thought that he was doing me a
favor. It’s probably due to my lack of self confidence or my
inherent sense of doom or the usual feeling that universe is
against me, but I always felt there was something in the way he
would look at me when he met me that said “Bleck, not you again.”
But if he did think that of me, he didn’t show it and put on a
fairly believable act whenever we went out together.
    Now, I make it sound as if I’m 100 percent
undesirable, but I am kind of cute if I do say so myself. As my
mother would say, “I’m as cute as a button.” Unfortunately, guys
don’t usually go for he “button” look these days. Sometimes she
would compare me to a mouse as well, but men probably hate the
mouse look even more than they hate the button one, especially a
mouse with glasses. But I have a decent figure and I try not to
hide it. I am fond of skirts and wear them frequently. I’ve been
told that my best assets are my legs so I show them whenever I can:
mostly calf, almost never thigh. I’m not so proud as to get all
slutty now. I am of average height for a woman, and, as stated
before, my hair is usually a mess of brownish-reddish curls. But I
can work with it when I need to, like, you know, whenever I go out
for a night on the town, which is very rare.
    In college, my major was graphic design. When
I was a kid I had always looked at the signs

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