The Golden Spider (The Elemental Web Chronicles Book 1)
“At some point, your condition will cause problems in the field. Pardon me if I watch for signs of imminent disaster.”
    “It won’t come to that,” Thornton bit out. He was a physician. He could manage his own care.
    “How can you be certain?”
    “Gentlemen,” Lady Huntley snapped.
    They glared at each other for a moment.
    “Moving on,” Black ground out. “None of the technicians have been able to figure out if, or when, the security for this inner laboratory was breached.”
    “So the murderer may be using his own eye technology?” Lady Huntley asked.
    “Perhaps,” Black answered. “Unless he leaves behind evidence either way, which would be unaccountably sloppy, we can’t know for sure.”
    “Then we can do nothing but press forward on this project,” Thornton said. “Continue to refine the acoustico work.”
    “Both of which are progressing quite nicely,” Lady Huntley added. “Despite a number of small setbacks.”
    Thornton wouldn’t quite classify the recent death of their agent as small, but he said nothing. “Another agent has volunteered. He’s waiting now in the outer laboratory.” The acousticotransmitter trials were too valuable to discontinue.
    The device required surgery to connect it to branches of the eighth cranial nerve. Minor surgery, to be certain, but surgery nonetheless. As this nerve controlled both the vestibular system and the auditory system, there were occasional side effects. Tinnitus. Vertigo. Nystagmus. And no one escaped the three-day period of adjustment.
    As such, most agents balked at the suggestion at first. But with German hostilities on the rise, the idea of having several agents listening in and ready to provide assistance at a moment’s notice was appealing to all the Queen’s agents.
    Not only did the artificial ear provide superior hearing and the ability to send a signal to a nearby acousticocept‌—‌provided the needle issue remained resolved‌—‌it also provided an amazing sense of balance. The last agent had described it as providing the ability to stand on the edge of a wooden fence, like an alley cat. The enhanced hearing, Smith had insisted with a grin, would likewise provide him with an additional eight lives.
    If only.
    “Henri’s prepping the agent volunteer in the other room as we speak,” Lady Huntley said, bringing him back to the moment.
    “We’re done speaking.” Thornton rose and crossed to the door. He slid his hand into the receptacle. Not only did you need clearance to enter, you needed it to exit.
    “The Queen thinks it’s best if you sit out the next mission,” Black said, pitching his voice at a low level as he followed Thornton.
    Thornton stiffened. He’d been expecting this. “I agree. I’ll work the field only as necessary to wrap up the gyspy murders.”
    “Won’t you miss it?” Black asked.
    Working in the field? Terribly . “Does it matter?” Thornton answered. “I belong in the laboratory for now.”
    Black snorted. “Never thought I’d see you caged.”
    “It won’t be forever.” As if willing it could make it so. Thornton didn’t look behind to see if Black agreed.
    When the crank hackney arrived, Mother and Olivia were paying calls, and Amanda was at school. Father had left hours ago and was likely closeted in some windowless room with officials, protecting Queen and country.
    This meant no one left behind dared voice objection to Ned’s odd departure in a public form of conveyance not used by future earls. With a twist of his wrist, he increased the torque on his mechanical leg braces.
    He hated them, these artificial legs. Hated the clunkiness of his movements, the steam that billowed forth, his dependence on a fuel source. As much as he loved his automatons, he did not wish to be one. And these damned legs kept him from his greatest desire: Georgina.
    His heavy, metallic footsteps rang out as he clanged down the broad steps to the street. The driver, hearing his approach, leapt down

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