The Fall and Rise of Kade Hart: A Hart Brothers Novel

Read Online The Fall and Rise of Kade Hart: A Hart Brothers Novel by A.M. Hargrove - Free Book Online

Book: The Fall and Rise of Kade Hart: A Hart Brothers Novel by A.M. Hargrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Hargrove
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then says, “Yeah, I can do that. I don’t have to be at the shelter
until one.”
    We walk to my truck and I ask her about the
giggling girls. She laughs, like I’ve never heard her laugh.
    “You have no idea, do you?”
    “About what?”
    “Oh, my God, Kade! They are all crushing on
    I’m pretty damn sure I have one stupid ass
look on my face, because she nearly doubles over now, still
    “Oh, this is way past funny.”
    “You have to stop right now. Why in the hell
would they have a crush on me?”
    As I watch her, her animated grin changes
into an open-mouthed gape as she blinks in surprise. “Are you for
real? I mean, do I have to spell it out for you?”
    “Well, yes! I’m an old man, according to
their standards. Why the hell would they be crushing on me?”
    Her hand flies to her mouth, covering it as
she sputters out another huge bursting laugh. Suddenly, I get the
urge to grab her hand and pull it away from her mouth, because I
don’t want to stop looking at it. Her lips, the way they move, and
the way her smile brightens up her face makes me want to crush my
own mouth on hers so I can taste her, explore her, learn her.
Without a doubt, I must be staring at her like some star struck
teenager, so I close my eyes and give my head a firm shake. What
the hell am I doing here? First her ass, and now her mouth? Jesus,
am I really lusting after a nun? What the fuck!
    When she finally stops laughing, she says,
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a dolt. Basically
clueless. They think you’re hot, Kade. Look in the mirror, and
you’ll have your answer.”
    I keep my trap shut so I don’t say anything
else stupid, while we drive to the little diner I love so much for
lunch. When we get there, I wear a sheepish expression. “Am I
really that stupid?”
    “Uh, more like in the dark about little
girls, I think.”
    “I was wondering. Every time I see them,
they all just giggle. I thought maybe all girls did that.”
    “No, and maybe after a while it will stop,
but with you, most likely not.”
    I huff out a breath. “Well, at least now I
know.” As I look at her, I smile. “So tell me, how’s it going for
    “Good. I’m picking it up. I’m still not sure
about the singing part though.”
    “Are you doing this for yourself or for
Sister Helena?”
    She hesitates.
    “Emmalia, whatever you tell me, stays
between us.”
    “I love to sing, but I only want to sing to
the music I love, you know? I don’t really care about being in the
    “Then why all this?”
    “Sister Helena. She has this way of making
one feel very inadequate.”
    “Yeah, I can tell. She’s definitely not what
you’d call warm.”
    Emmalia shakes her head. “Not at all, unless
you’d consider Hitler warm.”
    We laugh over that.
    Then I get serious. “Don’t let anyone ever
make you feel inadequate. You’re not. You can sing just fine. I
won’t go so far to say you’re American Idol quality,” I wink, “but
for what you want to do, you’re much better than average.”
    “Thank you, Kade, and especially for taking
time out of your busy schedule to do all of this.”
    We order our food and talk about various
things. I’ve noticed something about her, though. She’s extremely
reticent about discussing anything about her past, even the little
things. I won’t push her, because I know how uncomfortable that
makes someone feel, but it does add to her mystery and make me all
the more curious about her. There is something’s she’s hiding and I
hope someday she’ll open up to me.
    “Lunch was delicious. Thank you so much for
inviting me. This was a nice surprise.”
    “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I can drop you off
at the shelter if you’d like.”
    “Oh, I don’t want to bother you. And
besides, it’s so nice, I think I’ll enjoy the walk.”
    Two weeks later, Emmalia is set to meet me at
my place for her lesson. She’s had several music sessions

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