The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)

Read Online The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner - Free Book Online

Book: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Gardner
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head.   "You're going.   We're all going."   I attempt to exchange glances with Rex.   I needed reassurance.   A wink.   A look that said "I'm sorry".   Something.   I tilt my head but Holly is in the way.
    "The car is ready mam," Charles nods.   Helen's face lights up.   She follows Charles to a stretch limo and slides in first.   I force a swallow as Holly joins her.   All smiles and giggles in her cute yet conservative getup.   I hesitate when it's my turn.   Rex gently touches my arm.
    "I didn't know she was in town," he whispers.
    "Rex, I don't think-"
    "Please," he mutters.   "Please come."
    "And that explanation?"
    "As soon as we're alone."   That was it.   That was my reassurance.   I tug on my dress.   A week ago, I never thought I'd be dining with a sexy billionaire on a Tuesday night.   Now I had a potential mother-in-law to impress and a best friend to crush.   So far I wasn't doing too well.
    "Okay," I sigh, hanging onto my dress as I duck into the car.   My fist clenches as Holly's fruity perfume fills my nose.   Rex sits next to me.
    "So Kat is it?"   Helen was finally directing all her attention at me.   My forehead felt like it was being fried on a skillet.   "What is it that you do?"   I gulp.   My answer probably wasn't what she was looking for in a future daughter-in-law.
    "I'm a nurse," I politely answer.   Holly nods as if it's the first time she's heard this piece of information.   It makes me sick.
    "Oh."   Helen breaks eye contact.   Dammit.   "Holly dear, what is it you do again?"
    "I run a dance studio," she proudly responds.   A load of bull.   She wasn't the owner.   Far from it.
    "Yes."   She puts her hand on Holly's knee.   "I did dance at university.   That's just lovely."   I feel like sinking into the fabric of my seat.
    "How long will you be staying," Rex asks, looking a tad annoyed.   He pulls at his shirt collar.
    "Don't you worry about that."   Helen chuckles and looks out the window.   Sometimes I thought I knew what she might be thinking, and other times I had no idea.   But one thing I did know?   She was hard to please.
    "Will you be staying at the flat?"
    "No," she tells her son.   "I couldn't be bothered."   The car rolls up to The Four Seasons.   I feel underdressed.   Dressed up but with too little clothing.   "Brilliant."   Charles opens the door and Helen steps out.   She takes Holly's hand and proceeds to tell her all about her last stay in San Francisco.   I narrow my eyes, directing them at Holly.
    "Ready to kill me yet?" Rex mumbles, touching my arm.
    "Just about."   My brain is stuck on one thing.   My competition.   "Who is she ?"   This was it.   I gaze at Rex's expression looking for signs of hesitation.   A twitch even.
    "Actually we just met," he answers.
    "Really."   I pretend I'm not threatened.   "I thought maybe she was a cousin or relative or something."   Total lie.
    "I'm afraid not," he sighs.   His eyes wander through the front doors where Holly is entertaining Helen.   I start to feel uneasy.   Maybe Holly was the better future fiancé?   Snap out of it Kat!  
    No.   She wasn't.   I saw Rex first.   I was the sensible one.   The responsible one (minus the Chad years).   I was the friend more frequently described as wife material.   Holly could barely butter toast let alone make it perfectly brown instead of a burnt black.   We walk inside The Four Seasons.   Soft music fills my ears and I'm surrounded again by decor I could never afford myself.   I stare at the back of Holly's blond head.   A fire lights in my belly and suddenly it feels like high school all over again.   I'm studying my opposition, thinking up a strategy before I pounce.   Well . . . it worked in lacrosse.
    Helen walks right past reception and into the hotel restaurant without taking instruction from the host.   She strolls right up to an open table by the window and sits down.   The seating host doesn't

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