during most of their lifetime. Althoughthe radiation from most would be very weak because they are far away, thetotal from all of them might be detectable. We do, indeed, observe such abackground of gamma rays. However, this background was probably generatedby processes other than primordial black holes. One can say that the observa-tions of the gamma ray background do not provide any positive evidence forprimordial black holes. But they tell us that, on average, there cannot be morethan three hundred little black holes in every cubic light-year in the universe.This limit means that primordial black holes could make up at most one mil-lionth of the average mass density in the universe.
With primordial black holes being so scarce, it might seem unlikely that therewould be one that was near enough for us to observe on its own. But sincegravity would draw primordial black holes toward any matter, they should bemuch more common in galaxies. If they were, say, a million times more com-mon in galaxies, then the nearest black hole to us would probably be at adistance of about a thousand million kilometers, or about as far as Pluto, thefarthest known planet. At this distance it would still be very difficult to detectthe steady emission of a black hole even if it was ten thousand megawatts.In order to observe a primordial black hole, one would have to detect severalgamma ray quanta coming from the same direction within a reasonable spaceof time, such as a week.
Otherwise, they might simply be part of the background. But Planck’s quan-tum principle tells us that each gamma ray quantum has a very high energy,because gamma rays have a very high frequency. So to radiate even ten thou-sand megawatts would not take many quanta. And to observe these few quan-ta coming from the distance of Pluto would require a larger gamma ray detec-tor than any that have been constructed so far. Moreover, the detector wouldhave to be in space, because gamma rays cannot penetrate the atmosphere.
Of course, if a black hole as close as Pluto were to reach the end of its life andblow up, it would be easy to detect the final burst of emission. But if the blackhole has been emitting for the last ten or twenty thousand million years, thechances of it reaching the end of its life within the next few years are reallyrather small. It might equally well be a few million years in the past or future.So in order to have a reasonable chance of seeing an explosion before yourresearch grant ran out, you would have to find a way to detect any explosionswithin a distance of about one light-year. You would still have the problem ofneeding a large gamma ray detector to observe several gamma ray quanta fromthe explosion. However, in this case, it would not be necessary to determinethat all the quanta came from the same direction. It would be enough toobserve that they all arrived within a very short time interval to be reasonablyconfident that they were coming from the same burst.
One gamma ray detector that might be capable of spotting primordial blackholes is the entire Earth’s atmosphere. (We are, in any case, unlikely to be ableto build a larger detector.) When a high-energy gamma ray quantum hits theatoms in our atmosphere, it creates pairs of electrons and positrons. Whenthese hit other atoms, they in turn create more pairs of electrons and positrons.So one gets what is called an electron shower. The result is a form of lightcalled Cerenkov radiation. One can therefore detect gamma ray bursts bylooking for flashes of light in the night sky.
Of course, there are a number of other phenomena, such as lightning, whichcan also give flashes in the sky. However, one could distinguish gamma raybursts from such effects by observing flashes simultaneously at two or morethoroughly widely separated locations. A search like this has been carried outby two scientists from Dublin, Neil Porter and Trevor Weekes, using telescopesin Arizona. They found a number of flashes but none that
Joelle Charbonneau
Jackie Nacht
Lauren Sabel
Auriane Bell
Beth Goobie
Diana Palmer
Alice Ward
C. Metzinger
Carina Adams
Sara Paretsky