The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire)

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Book: The Engagement Game (Engaged to a Billionaire) by A. Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Gardner
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nasty body rash.   Chamomile.   "I opened it," I continue.   "It was the last one."   She accepts the soap without a second thought.   Holly aggressively rubs her skin, dries her hands, and puts on a layer of lip gloss.
    "I'm glad we finally got this straightened out," she says before leaving the restroom.   She smiles and hugs me.   I feel like vomiting all over her blouse.   "Be happy, K.   We have a wedding to plan."
    "With pink roses and a five foot cake?"   Wedding details we talked about when we were kids.   Pink flowers and the cake would be pink on the inside.   Bubble gum flavored.  
    "We're not kids anymore," she laughs.   Really, cuz you're sure acting like one.   I follow Holly back to our table.   Butterflies toss and turn in my stomach.   Any minute now this dinner would turn into a three ring circus.

    Chapter Six
    "You know when girls do mean things on TV, and you're like gasp.   What a bitch?"   I storm down the hospital hallway, sleep deprived and pissed off.   Jack follows me out of Earl's room.
    "This sounds like a coffee conversation."
    "This is more like a vodka conversation," I respond.   The two of us walk towards the cafeteria.   I fold my arms, feeling guilty about last night.   It was going to come back and bite me.   I just knew it.   I'd be sitting on pins and needles until it did.
    "This has to do with that guy?"   Jack's t-shirt actually looks ironed today.   Maybe he just bought it.
    "And Holly," I gulp.
    "Holly, your best friend Holly?"
    "Yeah," I say, surprised.   Jack shrugs.
    "You mentioned her once," he adds.
    "Probably."   My mind jumps back to the chaos of last night.   I'd sat at the edge of my seat as Holly did more smoozing.   She was in the middle of explaining how one of her students, Becca, was on her way to being part of the New York City Ballet Company (all thanks to her brilliant teaching methods, of course) when she started scratching herself.   Helen noticed it right away.   At first she looked a little disgusted as Holly discreetly wiggled around in her chair.   But then I could see the horror in Holly's eyes when she pulled up her sleeves and realized she had hives.
    Instead of excusing herself and leaving, she looked at me.   That's when I tried to save my own ass by suggesting some Benadryl and a good night sleep.   But Holly preferred a grand (attention seeking) production, and I was stuck with front row seats.   She started to panic, yelling that she was deathly allergic and needed to get to the hospital ASAP.   Of course Rex had to jump up, and being the gentleman that he was he offered to take her.   My plan had backfired - forcing Rex to spend the rest of the evening in the ER with my nemesis.
    "Don't tell me he canceled again?"
    "I wish."   I hang my head.   "At least that wouldn't make me the horrible person."
    "You?   Horrible?" he jokes.   "Whatever Kat."
    "You don't know the half of it."   No one did.   We reach the cafeteria and I anxiously grab a coffee cup.   I was going to be up all night pacing in front of my front door, waiting for Holly to make her next move.
    "Yeah right," Jack comments.   He chuckles.   "You're an angel in my book."
    "Angels don't poison they're best friends."   I stir some sugar into my coffee and sit at our table.   The silence on Jack's end was expected.
    "You're overreacting."
    "I wish I was."
    Jack runs his hands through his dirty blond hair.   He raises his thick eyebrows.   "What happened?"
    "Complicated?" he finishes.   "I'm calling your BS.   You want to talk about it.   Why else would you have stormed into the room while Earl was sleeping?   It wasn't time for meds."
    "Fine," I tilt my head.   "You caught me.   So I'm looking for some friendly advice.   Maybe someone to draw up my will?   Sue me."
    "There must be a good reason for what you did," he continues.   "Let's hear it."
    "Well . . ."   I hesitate.   I was confessing to Jack of all

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