The Ellsworth Case (A Markham Sisters Cozy Mystery Novella Book 5)

Read Online The Ellsworth Case (A Markham Sisters Cozy Mystery Novella Book 5) by Diana Xarissa - Free Book Online

Book: The Ellsworth Case (A Markham Sisters Cozy Mystery Novella Book 5) by Diana Xarissa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Xarissa
better there.”
    “No chance of that.”
    After Janet put her phone back in her pocket,
she hurried to the kitchen.   “William found the key to the tantalus ,” she
told Joan, who was just pulling a cake from the oven.   “I wouldn’t let him open the drawers,
and I can’t believe I forgot all about it when I was telling you about the
visit because I was so caught up in wondering about the notes Karen had given
me.   Anyway, I’m dying to see what’s
inside those drawers.”
    “Let’s take a look, then,” Joan suggested,
pulling off her oven gloves.
    In the sitting room, the tantalus was exactly where Janet had left it on the side table.   Janet dug the key out of her pocket and
carefully turned it in the lock.   Joan
leaned forward as Janet slowly pulled out the top drawer.   It was empty.   Janet sighed and then tried the next
one.   It was also empty.  
    “Third time lucky,” she muttered as she
pulled open the bottom drawer.
    “Empty,” Joan said softly.
    “Never mind, the tantalus itself is probably worth something,” Janet said, trying to cheer herself up.
    “I’m sure it is,” Joan agreed.
    “Maybe we should take it to Derby and have
it valued as well, when we take the coins,” Janet suggested.
    “I wouldn’t want to part with it,” Joan
said.   She shook her head.   “I don’t know why.   It isn’t like me, but there’s something
about it that I really like.   I
can’t imagine selling it.”
    “I don’t want to sell it, either,” Janet
agreed.   “So I suppose we don’t need
to know what it’s worth.   We’ll have
to find somewhere special to put it, though.   I’m not sure I want it in here.   I’d be really upset if a guest
accidently damaged it.”
    “It wouldn’t be fair to put it in either of
our bedrooms,” Joan said thoughtfully.   “We could keep it in the library for now, as we aren’t allowing guests
in there, but eventually we’ll have to move it.”
    “It will look wonderful on the desk in
there,” Janet said.   “As you say, at
least for now.”
    “How is the classifying and sorting going?”
Joan asked.
    “I was interrupted.   Edward rang.”
    “And what did Edward want?”
    Janet frowned.   “I’m not entirely sure,” she admitted.   “But he did seem interested in learning
all about our guests again.”
    “Maybe he’s working on the counterfeiting
case,” Joan suggested.
    “You know, he never once mentioned that at
all,” Janet replied thoughtfully.

Chapter Seven
    Joan made a fairly light evening meal and
both sisters enjoyed a generous serving of Victoria sponge.  
    “Are you going to see Michael tonight?”
Janet asked as she finished the washing up.
    “He has a meeting in Derby,” Joan
replied.   “He’s actually staying the
night there, as it won’t finish until late.”
    “So shall we pop some popcorn and watch some telly ?” Janet suggested.
    “I’m not sure we should have popcorn after
all that cake,” Joan protested.
    “Popcorn is mostly air,” Janet retorted.
    A knock on the front door interrupted the discussion.  
    “Robert?   This is a nice surprise,” Janet said as
she let the young policeman into the house.   “I do hope none of the notes we gave
Susan were counterfeit.”
    “No, no, not at all,” Robert replied.   “They all checked out just fine and
Susan was delighted to have made a sale, as well.”
    “That’s good to hear,” Janet told home.   “To what do we owe this pleasure, then?”
    “I was just in the neighbourhood and I thought I would check in with you,” Robert replied.
    “And I just baked a cake,” Joan said from the
doorway.   “Do come and have a piece
before Janet and I eat the whole thing ourselves.”
    Janet nearly laughed out loud when she saw
how happy the young man looked at Joan’s words.   He cleared his throat.   “Oh, I don’t want to impose,” he began.
    “It’s no imposition,” Janet assured
him.   “We can’t eat an entire

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